

Bird Rock, St Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies


+1 869 765 8702

Merry Christmas All

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas today.

As we celebrate the birth of Jesus today, it reminds us to reflect on and be grateful for life.

This year was a sad one for us, Abi Begho (our founder) lost her mother to cancer (Multiple Myeloma) and that is why this Christmas we’re reflecting on the gift of life – why it’s given and why it’s taken away.

Life is given to us by God as a precious gift.  A gift that has immense possibilities and potential.  Through our reflection, we have come to realise that whether we like it or not, the gift of life comes with accountability and responsibility. We are accountable to God as to how we use the gift he entrusted us with and we are responsible for our choices, actions and our impact. With this in mind, we have a new mindset, life has fresh meaning for us, it goes beyond what we want to do with our lives, but identifying what  God’s purpose for our life is. We must fulfil this purpose, make a difference and make our community a better place, in our own way. So one step at a time, one day at a time, one tiny action at our time, in 2020 we aim to fulfil God’s purpose for Lake Health and Wellbeing.

As we fulfil our purpose, we have to think of the lives of others. We thank God for our loved ones, colleagues, collaborators, followers, supports and funders and the impact they have had on our lives. As we enter into 2020 our aim is to show everyone appreciation and to not take others for granted. We endeavour to respect people’s time, opinions, contribution, encouragement, words, talent, messages, phone calls….everything.  We have to take a good look at the effect we have on others and ensure that we have a positive impact on every single person we come in contact with and ensure that every contact we have with people is positive, productive and kind.

Life is taken away when our journey has come to an end. When we get to that point and we look back on our lives, will we be happy with how we ran the race? This question will be at the forefront of our minds every day.

Death has been a powerful lesson for us. We hope this blog post hasn’t been too preachy but this is just what we have been reflecting on today as we remember the birth of Christ and the importance of a life well-lived.

We wish you a great day today, filled with love, shared with family and with a promise of better days ahead.


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