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“It’s rewarding to know the cycling club is doing its part to promote well-being”

Sheila is The Lake Foundation’s Cycling Club Coordinator and since joining us in March she has done a fantastic job in managing our cycling club. In this blog Sheila discusses her role and what she enjoys most about it.

Tell us about your role as the cycling club coordinator.

The aim of the cycling club is to give people an opportunity to be more active. So we organise a 2-hour bike ride every 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month. Once a year we organise a 4-hour ride taking us a bit further into the countryside and a social where we will have a meal. The social is usually around Christmas.

Organising the rides involves liaising with our wonderful instructors from Cycle Instructor. They will suggest routes and lead the group on the day. I manage bike reservations and organise our participants. I update them on what we are doing and about cycling opportunities in the local area and beyond. I also spread the word about the cycling club using leaflets, writing and social media.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

London can be both lonely and stressful. This can take its toll on us in the long term. There are physical and mental benefits of people coming together and people doing exercise. So it’s rewarding to know the cycling club is doing its part to promote well-being. The group is fun and positive. You can also chat as much or as little as you want for example. Everyone is welcome and everyone seems to be him or herself.

What has been your favourite cycling route and why?

I like cycling in any green space. There are lots of green spaces in Croydon and I’ve enjoyed discovering them.

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of joining the club but is a bit nervous?

Cycling Instructor is a helpful resource. They offer free one-to-one and group sessions. They will instruct you in how to cycle on roads and public spaces and teach you techniques. You can do one of their courses before joining The Lake Foundation Cycling Club and can also have a refresher with them at any time. The Lake Foundation Cycling Club members are supportive. In this atmosphere we find that new riders grow in confidence.

Do people have to be super fit or an experienced cyclist to join the club?

Our cycling club members are mixed in ability and fitness. People tend to be less confident if they feel they can’t keep up. So we encourage people to maintain regular exercise outside of the club and to practice cycling where possible. One of our members went on to do the London to Brighton ride and another ride after that. Another couple of riders did a 10k run for Cancer Research UK. London is a great city for charity and fun fitness challenges and the club members seem to inspire each other to take advantage of these opportunities.

Do you have to have your own bike to be a part of the club?

We have a few cycles and helmet sets that people can reserve, this way people can try cycling without taking the lead of buying a bike first. One regular member has since purchased his own bike.

What do you enjoy most about cycling?

I like the fact that I’m being active. I think you experience our city in a different way on a bike than if you were in a bus, car or on the tube. I like the freedom it gives and it’s an efficient way to get around town. I cycled more when I was living closer to central London, which is more cycle friendly these days.

What advice would you give to anyone new to cycling in terms of technique, equipment and building confidence?

I would do a course with Cycle Instructor. Go to a good and reputable cycling shop and get kitted out with a well fitted helmet, good lights, a good lock etc. Be super safe, sensible and make sure you keep hydrated. There are lots of helpful resources out there.

When you’re not cycling what do you do for fun?

I enjoy dancing, walks and cycles in the country, cinema, theatre, cultural events and hanging out with folk.

How can people join the cycling club?

The best way is to drop us an email today at events@thelakefoundation.com. Also stay in touch with The Lake Foundation on twitter and Facebook!

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