

Bird Rock, St Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies


+1 869 765 8702

Category: Blog

Partnership Fanta Waterman
Women's Health

Exciting Next Steps for Our Research Project

We are delighted to share an exciting update on our partnership with Dr. Fanta Waterman, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Community Health Sciences at the University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) School of Public Health.

GuidanceCounsellors (Web)
Menstrual HealthWomen's Health

Expanding Menstrual Health Education in Nevis: Train-the-Trainer Session

Following the successful launch of Phase 2 of our Menstrual Health Education Project in Nevis, we were thrilled to take the next step by hosting a train-the-trainer session in collaboration with the Department of Gender Affairs and WASH United.

Team (web)
Menstrual HealthWomen's Health

Advancing Menstrual Health Education in Nevis: Phase 2 Launch

Tuesday was a truly special day as we joined the Nevis Department of Gender Affairs to officially launch Phase 2 of the Nevis component of our Menstrual Health Education Project.

SSBTaxSustainableIslandStateAgenda (Web)
BlogYou're Sweet Enough

SSB Taxation and SKN’s Sustainable Island State Agenda

SSB taxation can play a crucial role in supporting St. Kitts and Nevis’ transition to a sustainable island state.

CPF Panel

Advocating for Health Justice at the Commonwealth People’s Forum in Samoa

Today’s blog comes from our Programme Director, Abi Begho, who shares her insightful experience attending and participating in the Commonwealth People’s Forum in Samoa.


Our Youth-Led Panel for the Global Week for Action on NCDs

For the Global Week for Action on NCDs we hosted a youth-led panel discussion, giving the next generation a stage to lead the conversation on NCDs.

NCDs Call To Action

Time to Lead: Global Week for Action on NCDs 2024

The Global Week for Action on NCDs kicks off today, 15th October, and runs until 22nd October. This year’s theme, Time to Lead, is especially significant, as leaders from around the world will gather in September 2025 at the United Nations for the fourth High-Level Meeting on NCDs.

Partnership Fanta Waterman

Lake Health and Wellbeing to Collaborate with Dr. Fanta Waterman from University of Illinois Chicago

Lake Health and Wellbeing is pleased to announce the awarding of seed funding from the University of Illinois at Chicago’s (UIC) School of Public Health to our long-standing partner, Dr. Fanta Waterman for her project,


Promoting Our Journey with the Commonwealth Foundation

We are thrilled to share that the Commonwealth Foundation has featured us as one of their Capacity Building Grant Partners!


Reflections on the UN SIDS4 Conference

Last week, we attended the UN Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Conference which took place in Antigua. This is a significant event held every 10 years and gather leaders from the Caribbean, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and South China Sea Islands.