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We Attended Breast Cancer Care’s Launch of their Breast Cancer and Ethnicity Research

We Attended Breast Cancer Care’s Launch of their Breast Cancer and Ethnicity Research

On Monday, we attended Breast Cancer Care’s reception in Parliament where they launched the findings of their research into the needs of Black, Asian and minority (BAME) women after treatment for breast cancer.   Their research was funded by the Big Lottery Fund and was a collaboration with King’s College London.

This event was hosted by Dawn Butler MP, whose mother and sister were affected by breast cancer. Speaking at the reception, the Chief Executive of Breast Cancer Care  Samia al Qadhi, summarised the findings stating that BAME women felt  a greater sense of isolation after treatment, there was still a significant amount of stigma associated with breast cancer in certain cultures, there is a lack of culturally sensitive support, a number of communication and language issues, and services do not always meet the needs of BAME women.  Breast Cancer Care explained that to address these issues they piloted a new culturally inclusive service in 2015 called PROWESS (Promoting Recovery, Wellbeing, Equality and Support in Survivorship). This service supported the self-management of BAME women after their hospital-based treatment for breast cancer. You can read more about PROWESS here.

Breast Cancer Care stated that policy-makers must consider the needs of BAME women in the implementation of current cancer strategies and ensure that new policies are inclusive and that everyone working in this area has to develop an understanding of how services can be culturally adapted.

During the reception we also heard from Heather Wilson from the Black Health Initiative in Leeds. Ms Wilson was very supportive of the research and its recommendations and stressed the importance of effective partnerships in addressing the issues raised during the research project.

We applaud the work being done by Breast Cancer Care to address the inequalities that exist in this area and look forward to seeing the next phase of this work. We were pleased to have been a part of the working group for PROWESS and hope that this programme will be launched nation wide.

We’re looking for a part-time cycling club coordinator
Cycling NewsNews

We’re looking for a part-time cycling club coordinator

Following our successful short bikeability summer courses with The Cycling Instructor we’re delighted to be launching a new cycling club starting next month.   As part of this project we’re looking for a friendly, outgoing person to take on the role of a part-time cycling club coordinator.

As a cycling coordinator you will be the main point of contact for our cycling club liaising with both the instructors and club members. You’ll be responsible for helping the instructors organise each cycling session and keeping everyone well-informed about the club’s activities. You can also get involved in the creative marketing side by promoting the group on social media and in the local area and you’ll be responsible for evaluating the impact of the project.

To find out more about this role please download the job description below or email info@thelakefoundation.com


Not Just Another Smear Campaign
BlogCancerVolunteer Bloggers

Not Just Another Smear Campaign

It’s cervical cancer prevention week  (24th to 30th Jan) so it’s an ideal time to remind everyone about the cervical cancer screening test- otherwise known as The Smear.

Cervical cancer is the most common form of cancer in women aged 35 and under and over 3,000 UK women are diagnosed with the disease each year.

The term cervical cancer describes the uncontrolled division/growth of abnormal cells in the neck of the womb (cervix).   In over 99% of cases the cancer is caused by prolonged infection with a high risk strain of a virus known as human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV can spread between peoplethrough skin to skin contact in and around the genital area. HPV infection doesn’t lead to cervical cancer in everyone. However, as it’s such a common virus it is important that we do all we can to help prevent the occurrence or spot early signs of the disease. Below are 3 important steps:

1. Attend you smear test
During a smear test, a nurse or doctor removes a sample of cells from your cervix. These cells are then examined for any changes that might lead to cancer in the future. The process may be uncomfortable but it is over in a short period of time and is important in spotting potential problems. You should normally receive a request to attend a smear test from the age of 25. But if you do not receive one or are below 25 and have any concerns about your cervix – speak to your GP.  Women from ethnic minorities are less likely to attend their smear appointments. This short video discusses the reasons for this.

2.  Be aware of  the symptoms of cervical cancer
Changes to the cells of the cervix do not usually cause symptoms. But if these changes become cancerous they can lead to symptoms such as:

· Unusual bleeding (e.g. during or after sexual intercourse,  between periods, after the menopause)
· Unusual vaginal discharge
· Discomfort or pain during sex
· Lower back pain
· Changes to the frequency of urination
· Blood in the urine
·  Rectal bleeding
· Diarrhoea
· Incontinence
· Leg swelling

Many of these symptoms may be associated with other conditions and have nothing to do with cervical cancer. But it is always best to get them investigated by seeing your GP as soon as possible.

3.  HPV vaccine
Another nationwide programme which helps to reduce the occurrence of cervical cancer is the HPV vaccination programme. The NHS routinely offers vaccinations to girls aged 11–13 in Scotland and 12–13 in the rest of the UK. Girls normally receive the vaccine in school, but they can also receive it from their GP. The vaccine is free for all girls aged 11–17 in Scotland and 12–17 in the rest of the UK.  The vaccine does not offer 100% protection against cervical cancer so anyone who has received it still needs to regularly attend their smear appointments as do all women seeking to prevent cervical cancer.

Please have a look at some women’s experiences of cervical cancer and let us know your thoughts. The smear test may not be pleasant- but is skipping it a risk worth taking?

Full FAT coke: sugary drinks linked to high body fat

Full FAT coke: sugary drinks linked to high body fat

An interesting new study has linked sweet drinks with body fat. The study has shown that drinking sugary drinks (such as coke) every day increases a type of body fat known as visceral fat. This type of fat surrounds particular organs in our bodies such as the pancreas and the liver. Visceral fat is important because it is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

The study of a 1,003 people(average age of 45 years) compared the effects of sugary soda with diet soda drinks on visceral fat. The participants completed questionnaires about their food and drink consumption andbody fat levels were recorded using CT scans.  The participants were followed up over a period of 6 years and the authors found that those who drank sugary soda most frequently (daily) had the highest levels of visceral fat. However, there was no change in visceral fat levels in those who drank diet soda drinks.

People of African and African-Caribbean descent (and other ethnic minorities) have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Reducing the drinking frequency or finding alternatives to these drinks may help to reduce the risk of these conditions.

You can read more about this report here and here.

The Lake Foundation Receives a Grant from Sport England
Cycling NewsNews

The Lake Foundation Receives a Grant from Sport England

The Lake Foundation is delighted to announce that we have received a grant from Sport England, an organisation committed to helping people and their communities create sporting habits for life.  

This grant will support the full cost of running our new cycling club for a year which aims to encourage people in our local community to get more active. The club will be open to everyone but will focus on encouraging more African Caribbean people and women to cycle.

We are very grateful to Sport England for supporting us and believing in our project and look forward to our club members not only getting some great exercise but discovering the beauty of South London as we cycle through the lovely green spaces of Croydon and the surrounding area.

Our cycling club begins on Saturday 13th February  at 10am, for more information please email events@thelakefoundation.com or keep an eye on our website.

Do fibroids grow when we’re feeling low?
BlogFibroidsMental HealthVolunteer Bloggers

Do fibroids grow when we’re feeling low?

The Christmas and New Year break are over and although I enjoyed it, I felt strangely relieved.  I think that’s because although it’s normally a really enjoyable time of year- it can also be highly stressful.  We know stress has an effect on general health. But how much do we know about how stress affects particular conditions associated with the Black community?  Black women have the highest risk of developing fibroids (non-cancerous growths in or around the womb). They can lead to heavy periods, period pain and pregnancy challenges (amongst other things). It is useful to know if stress plays a part in the existence of fibroids since we can control the way we handle stress.

A basic search of the literature doesn’t reveal many studies focused on the link between stress and fibroids.  One study did note that the increase in stress hormone cortisol can cause fluctuations in oestrogen and progestogen. Low levels of these hormones are linked to a reduction in fibroid growth.  This particular US study actually investigated the links between major-life event stress and fibroids in both Black and White women.  The authors reported  that the greater the number of ‘major life events’ the female experienced, the more likely she was to have fibroids. The pattern was evident among white women who had experienced all levels of stress yet only obvious  among  very highly stressed  Black women.  The authors of another study looked at 22,002 premenopausal  US Black women.  They reported that high levels of self-reported racism increased the risk of fibroids.  However, a study on Chinese women did not find any link between stress and the presence of fibroids. You can find out more about these studies here, here andhere.

Due to the small number of studies which investigate the link between fibroids and stress, it is difficult to say whether there is a true link- more work needs to be done in this area.  However, some people do find that they discover their fibroids after a period of stress in their lives. Have any of you had this experience?

Obesity and the cancer epidemic

Obesity and the cancer epidemic

A new report about the burden of obesity in the UK, has delivered shocking predictions about future cancer rates. Based on today’s trends the report predicts that nearly 3 in 4 adults will be overweight or obese by 2035 and this would lead to an additional 670,000 cases of cancer.

Rising obesity may lead to increased cancer rates for several reasons. High amounts of fat in the body change the levels of hormones such as oestrogen and testosterone which may raise the risk of cancer. Raised levels of fat can also alter the quantities of chemical messengers in the body and possibly have cancer related effects.

 Black people are at already very high risk for particular forms of cancer.  Black men have the highest risk of developing prostate cancer amongst all other ethnicities. Young Black women have worse breast cancer outcomes compared with white women.

The report (co-authored by Cancer Research UK and the UK Health forum) also suggests a variety of strategies which may help reduce obesity rates and consequently cancer rates. These recommendations appear to be sensible and practical but may not be sufficient for members of the UK population at high risk of obesity e.g. Black men and women. According to a 2014 report, Black men and women have the highest rates of obesity in England. Furthermore, it has been reported that Black and other ethnic minority children have higher rates of obesity when compared to White children in the UK. Further investigation into the obesity challenges faced by the Black community is needed.

You can find more information about the studies here, here, and here.

Inspirational People in Healthcare: Comfort Momoh MBE

Inspirational People in Healthcare: Comfort Momoh MBE

Comfort Momoh is a  Female Genital Mutilation/Public Health Specialist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in London and  is the founder of the African Well Woman’s Clinic, a service that provides counselling, support, information and surgical reversal to women and girls who have undergone FGM.  

She was an advisor to the World Health Organisation, represented the UK at the UN Commission on the Status of Women in 2001, is the Chairperson for  Black Women’s Health and Family Sport,  is the vice-president of the European Network on FGM and is a member of the UK’s FGM National Clinical Group.

 In 2003, she was awarded the first ever nurse/midwife of the year award by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation Trust , in 2014 she was the recipient of the Nigerian Centenary Awards’ 100 Outstanding Nigerians past and present who have lived in the UK over the past 100 years and in 2008 she was awarded an MBE for her services to women’s health.

[Photo credit: Top Forma]

New Year and Half-Measures
BlogVolunteer Bloggers

New Year and Half-Measures

Have you heard of the expression: ‘don’t do things by halves’?  It normally means that people shouldn’t do things without putting maximum effort into it. So for example – if you are doing an exam you may wake up in the early hours of the day to study and revise. If you have an interview – you read up about the role and company until the point of saturation.  If you’re going out for a New Year celebration, you may select your outfit and venue (and maybe even hairstyle!)  well in  advance.  But for me, doing things ‘by halves’ can take on a different meaning.  It can mean achieving your goal ‘piece by piece’ i.e. piecemeal.  So instead of exhausting yourself to achieve a goal, you could achieve it by breaking it down into manageable chunks or ‘half- measures’

So what has this got to do with the New Year?

Well, every year millions of people make a pledge to be healthier and fitter. But six months down the line – the pledges are largely forgotten and definitely not achieved. Perhaps if we make small changes or ‘half-measures’ our goals would be easier to achieve.

So how can we break down key health and fitness activities into manageable chunks?

1.   Eating more fruit and vegetables

fruitandveg This is a common goal for most people. You don’t have to consume large plates of vegetables or fruits in one go.  Vegetables can easily complement many meals. Why not add some slices of fresh cucumber to your already prepared jollof rice?  Or add scoops of avocado or finely chopped mushrooms to your rice and peas?

2.    Increasing exercise
Do you find gym membership too expensive?  Is it too cold to go for walks outside? Jogging on the spot at home whilst watching your favourite soap for just 30 minutes could burn at least 100 calories! You could start off by jogging through one programme and then slowly build up to two. Do you love exercising to music? Why not find some old school Rnb tunes on YouTube, switch it on and dance while you are doing the dishes?

3.   Reduce fried food intake
Fried food isn’t great for many reasons including the fact that it is high in calories because it absorbs the fat from the oil. But many people find fried chicken irresistible! If you are one of those then why not alternate between fried and grilled food to begin with?  You could have fried chicken on one day then the next time you have chicken make it grilled or roasted. You could do the same thing with other meats.

4.   Reduce alcohol intake
Did you overdo the Baileys or the rum punch at Christmas? Next time you’re out for the evening or even at home and you feel like a drink – why not pour yourself two drinks? One of the drinks could be your favourite tipple and the other could be a glass of water.  You could alternate between the two drinks, sips from one then another.  You would ultimately end up drinking less alcohol.

So hopefully you now have the gist of ‘doing things by halves’ to achieve your goals.  What other ideas can you come up with?

Does sugar cause breast cancer?

Does sugar cause breast cancer?

A recently published study has thrown new light on the links between dietary sugar and breast cancer. The study authors investigated the effect of different types of diets on the development of tumours in mice. The authors found that just 30% of mice on a starch-based diet had measurable tumours, whereas 50 to 58 percent of the mice on sucrose-enriched diets had developed mammary or breast tumours. The study also showed that numbers of lung metastases (secondary cancer growths) were significantly higher in mice on sucrose- or a fructose-enriched diet, when compared with mice on a starch -based diet.  This implies that sucrose and fructose have the ability to promote tumour growth through specific pathways.

 Although it’s difficult to compare mice with humans,  the mice in this study received amounts of sugar (relative to their size) that were similar to amounts found in western diets. This raises questions about the presence of sugar in the western diet and its influence on breast cancer. The diets of people of African and African-Caribbean descent are often high in sugar. It is also the case that young UK based Black women (under the age of 40) have poorer outcomes in relation to breast cancer when compared with their non-black counterparts.  Further research into the effects of dietary sugar on breast cancer in humans (particularly young Black women) is certainly warranted.

You can find more information about the studies here , here and here.