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The Health Benefits of Reading
Mental HealthVolunteer Bloggers

The Health Benefits of Reading

This week, our guest blogger, Stacey Mensah, finishes off our series on the health benefits of various leisure activities. In previous blogs we’ve explored the health benefits of writing and listening to music and in this current blog Stacey puts the spotlight on reading. 

Good Morning, Everyone! I hope you’re doing well! Today’s post is on the topic of reading but more specifically with the health benefits that are associated with it. I love to read because it allows me to widen my perspective of the world and that has always been important to me. It’s also a great way to mentally escape from that morning commute or even the noisy neighbours. The benefits of reading – for the most part – can be grouped into the external and internal. With the internal referring to how reading changes you from the inside and external being how it affects your outwardly health.  As I’ve gotten older it’s become a lot harder to read as frequently as I would like. The urgent commitments of life always seem to overshadow the casual commitment to read and that frankly is the problem! Keeping these benefits at the forefront of your mind will ensure we no longer view reading as a secondary task. So, here we go:

The Internal Benefits of Reading

Cognitive Stimulation

Reading has shown to slow the progress of Alzheimer’s and Dementia, as it keeps your brain active and prevents it from losing power. This means that it’s great to challenge yourself when choosing a book. I’m about to read the book, Gut’ by Giulia Enders. It’s a book that I’ve tried to read before but of course has challenged me and therefore has stayed on my withering bookshelf. It’s ok if you’re stopping to define words, underlining or simply just stopping for time to internalize. If we don’t challenge ourselves daily, we will not grow as human beings and stagnation is a dangerous thing!

Say Bye-Bye To Stress

Weight Watchers has recently reported that cuddling up with your favourite book can reduce levels of stress hormones called cortisol. Studies have shown that participants who read after partaking in a stressful activity are more likely to have their stress levels drop by more than 50%.

Vocabulary Expansion

This is personally one of my favourite benefits of reading. It certainly beats reading a dictionary, which no one should ever do willingly. Researchers estimate that we learn up to 15% of our vocabulary through reading. This is significant for children, whose vocabulary size is directly related to the books they read. By reading in your spare time you will feel more comfortable reading to your children. Especially if they are asking you to explain concepts, and hey, you may even enjoy it.


Do I need to say anymore? Reading is a source of tranquillity and with the pressures of everyday life it’s important to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle. Reading is your way of giving yourself a time-out. Time out from the world to find your centre and re-group – making you a stronger individual in the long term.

Improved Focus and Concentration

It’s sad to say that in our technology advanced world, the average attention span has greatly diminished as different platforms are continuously vying for our attention. Within the first few minutes of waking up the average person will check their various social media profiles, check emails, monitor their smart phones and interact with their family and friends. This wouldn’t be so bad if those few minutes didn’t turn into an hour or possibly more. Reading a book allows all of your attention to be focused on the story. Try reading 15 minutes a day before you go to work and I’m sure you’ll see the difference.

The External Benefits of Reading

Read – Your Muscles Will Thank You Later

Reading is a great way to stay focused while working out. A grappling plot may keep you on that cross trainer a little longer than expected. Remember to always keep your posture as failing to do this would result in injury.

Reading Can Encourage Life Goals

I liken reading a biography to the equivalent of getting a cheat sheet on that test you just can’t seem to pass. Someone has basically condensed their life and logic into the pages of a book, that you now happen to be the owner of. Recounting all of the mistakes they made and the lessons they learnt so you don’t have to. Reading about someone inspirational can also motivate you to reach your own goals.

Brighten Up Your Day

Novels drum up positive feelings in more subtle ways. Your favourite character happens to become an extension of you and when they happen to have a triumph and overcome an obstacle your day will suddenly become a lot brighter.

Entertain Yourself While Saving Money

Reading a is a low-budget source of entertainment and can be next too free if you choose to borrow books from your local library. Cue the angel chimes. Libraries have books on every subject and usually rotate their selection so you will always be met with a challenge. If you aren’t able to get to a library however, then you can always download e-books, or a version suitable for your kindle in order to get your fix. There is a topic for everyone, so, please, don’t be shy and get stuck in!

Comment down below and let us know what your favourite books are…

It’s Salt Awareness Week

It’s Salt Awareness Week

This week is Salt Awareness Week and this year’s theme is: “Salt: The Hidden Killer.” The aim of this year’s campaign is to raise awareness of the fact that 75% of the salt that the public consumes is hidden in the everyday foods that we buy. The fact that salt is hidden means that people are consuming a lot more salt than they realise. Therefore the public is being urged to read the label of all the foods they buy and select foods that are low in salt.

In order to combat the high salt content of many foods, manufacturers have been asked to take part in a voluntary salt reduction programme. This programme sets salt targets for a range of foods such as meat products, bread, breakfast cereals, cheese and more. New UK-wide targets have been published this year, these targets are a revised version of the previous targets which were published in 2012. The 2012 targets were very successful leading to a 40-50% reduction of salt in the foods covered by the targets. Despite this success, salt consumption still remains high so the new 2017 targets are more challenging and wide-ranging.

A new survey conducted by the Consensus for Action on Salt and Health has found that only one (bread rolls) out of the twenty-eight food categories analysed were on track to meet the salt reduction targets. They also identified specific products that still had a unacceptably high levels of salt, of particular note were:

  • Baxters Chef Selections Cullen Skink (1.1g salt/100g), more than 1.5 times salt (per 100g) the maximum salt reduction target for soup
  • Aldi The Fishmonger Piri Piri Smoked Mackerel Fillets (8g salt/serving), 4 times more salt (per 100g) the maximum salt reduction target for meal centres
  • Galaxy Ultimate Marshmallow Hot Chocolate (0.8g salt per serving), 5 times more salt (per 100g) the maximum salt reduction target for beverages

In the UK, it is recommended that adults eat no more than 6 grams of salt a day (about a teaspoon) and children under the age of 11 should it less, depending on their age as follows:

  • 7-10 year olds: no more than 5 grams a day
  • 4-6 year olds: no more than 3 grams a day
  • 1-3 year olds: no more than 2 grams a day

The World Health Organisation recommends that adults consume even less salt, no more than 5 grams a day. They have concluded that a diet of less than 5 grams of salt a day helps to reduce blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and coronary heart attack.

It is very important that the black community takes steps to reduce their salt intake as the black community is more susceptible to the effect that salt has on increasing blood pressure. In order to reduce your salt consumption you can try:

  • Avoiding processed foods
  • Using low/no salt seasonings, like this
  • Replacing salt, when seasoning food, with herbs and spices
  • Reading food labels and selecting foods that are low in salt
  • Not adding any salt to the foods that you cook

By reducing the amount of salt we eat, we can reduce our risk of developing a number of diseases so it is important that we stick to the recommendation of less than 6 grams a day.

Fibroids Support Group in May

Fibroids Support Group in May

We are delighted to have teamed up with TOHETI at Guy’s Hospital for their next fibroids support group session.  This will take place on Monday 15th May from  6:00pm – 7:30pm at the McNair Centre at Guy’s.

Anyone who has been affected by fibroids is welcome to attend and this session aims to provide women with the opportunity to share their experience, meet other women with fibroids, obtain support and hear from experts in the field.

TOHETI’s support group provides a safe, informal setting for women to ask questions and share concerns, both before and after surgery. The group is run by patients, for patients and a clinical member of staff will be present to help answer questions.

For more information and to let us know you’re coming please email events@thelakefoundation.com

UK Spring Budget 2017: The Public Health Implications
BlogHealth PolicySSB Tax

UK Spring Budget 2017: The Public Health Implications

Last week, the UK’s Chancellor, Philip Hammond, published the UK’s 2017 Spring Budget and there were a few decisions made that will affect the public’s health and wellbeing.  These decisions focus on the following areas:

  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Soft drinks
  • Access to new drugs and treatments
  • Health and social care services
  • Women’s Health (through the tampon tax fund)


From 13 March 2017, the duty rates on beer, cider, wine and spirits were increased in line with RPI inflation. This was not well-received by the hospitality industry who were hoping for a freeze or cut of the previously announced increases. But the government’s health impact assessment suggests that the increases are likely to lead to a minor decrease in  overall alcohol consumption in the UK. From a public health point of view, this is promising news as excessive alcohol consumption is linked to an increased risk of developing a number of diseases including mouth, throat, breast and live cancers, heart disease, stroke and liver disease so any decrease in alcohol consumption is of benefit to the health of the nation.


From 8th March 2017, duty rates on all tobacco products increased by 2% above RPI inflation and the government will introduce a Minimum Excise Tax for cigarettes. This will target the cheapest tobacco and raise funds for the government. This policy aims to stop the public, particularly young people, from purchasing cheap cigarettes with data showing that 71% of 16-24 year olds who smoke buy the cheaper brands. By making these products unaffordable it is hoped that it will prevent young people from taking up the habit of smoking or stop those who already smoke. With smoking being strongly linked to lung cancer any strategy that reduces the amount of people who smoke will go some way to reducing lung cancer rates as well as the other diseases linked to smoking such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart disease, stroke and more.

Soft Drinks Levy

The soft drinks levy was announced in previous budgets and in this budget the Chancellor confirmed the detail of what the levies would be. The rate for  drinks with a total sugar content of 5 grams or more per 100 millilitres will be set at 18 pence per litre and those with 8 grams or more per 100 millilitres will be set at 24 pence per litre. It is expected that this will raise an extra £1Bn and will come into effect from April 2018.

The money raised from the sugar levy will be used to double the funding available to primary schools for PE and sports programmes. The government has estimated the sugar levy will raise £320 million a year for primary schools to support healthier more active lifestyles in children. The funding will not only go towards expanding PE and sports programmes but to also expand breakfast clubs in primary schools ensuring that children have access to a healthy breakfast every week day.

The idea behind the sugar levy is a good one. It’s hoped that the levy will incentivise the soft drinks industry to reduce the amount of sugar in their products, helping the public consume less sugar. The money raised will go towards helping children get more active and healthy and thus tackle our high rates of childhood obesity.  So, from a public health point of view the sugar levy is a win-win.

Access to new drugs and treatments

The Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) will  support collaboration between business and the science community. There will be an initial investment of £270 million in 2017-18 to kick-start the development technologies that have the potential to transform the UK economy.  The first wave of funding will focus on a number of areas, one of which will be improving and accelerating patient access to new drugs and treatments by exploring ways of improving manufacturing technologies.  This is a much-needed area of focus for patients ensuring that they have access to the best treatments, but it is important to ensure that these drugs and treatments are affordable to ensure that all patients benefit.

Health and Social Care Services

An additional £2 billion will be provided to local government over the next three years to support adult social care services. Half of this funding will be made available in the 2017/2018 financial year so that councils across the UK can take immediate action to support local social care providers and relieve the pressure on the NHS locally. This a significant amount of funding and we hope that a clear strategy for social care is developed and implemented so that a real difference is made.

The government will also provide an additional £100 million to the NHS in England in 2017-18  to improve waiting times and manage the increasing demands on A&E departments. There was mention in the budget of “increase the provision of on-site GP facilities” in A&E and we feel with the increasing pressures that GPs are under coupled with the shortage of GPs, moving them into an A&E setting may not be the best approach to tackling the challenges in A&E.

The government will continue its work supporting Sustainability and Transformational Plans in the NHS and will invest £325 million over the next three years to support local proposals that aim to improve patient care in a sustainable way.

Support Women’s Health and Wellbeing Through the Tampon Tax

Tampons are considered a luxury item and therefore have to be taxed, but following a campaign to cut the tampon tax the government decided, in a previous budget, that every year £15M raised from the tampon tax will be given to women’s charities. In this current budget the Chancellor has agreed to continue this.

The tampon tax has made a significant difference to women’s health with charities like Ovarian Cancer Action,  Jo’s Cervical Cancer TrustThe Eve Appeal and Breast Cancer Care benefiting from the funding. We hope that this funding will continue and that charities focusing on health issues that are of particular concern to black women will apply.

Our Conclusion

The government has introduced some policies and allocated funding to  areas that will make a difference to the health of UK’s public. We do believe that opportunities were missed to really support disease prevention by going further with measures to reduce obesity and there was only an indirect focus on physical activity through the use of the funding for the sugar tax.

For the black community to benefit from this budget we encourage black charities working on women’s issues to explore the tampon tax funding and put in an application when the next funding round opens. We also encourage the black community to engage with their local councils and get involved in any consultations regarding the use of the money allocated to them for social care services.


Blueberries: Superfood or Superscam?
BlogDietVolunteer Bloggers

Blueberries: Superfood or Superscam?

This week, our wonderful guest blogger, Stacey Mensah, discusses whether blueberries are a superfood or a superscam. Tell us what you think in the comments sections below. 

Welcome back to the ​Lake Foundation! How has your week been? This week for me has been an incredibly tiring one. I couldn’t even tell you what happened on Monday because one: I currently don’t have enough energy to think that far back, and two: I honestly just don’t want to. With moving into a new place and the intensification of work and social commitments, I haven’t been consuming the beloved 10-a-day – heck, if I consumed 3-a-day that would be an achievement. On this particular day I was feeling skinny – you know, think and you become and all of that – so as I said, I was feeling skinny and so I popped into a local health food store. My plan going into the shop was to simply pick up a few superfoods, some vegetables, and poultry. Nothing too extravagant. What I was faced with when I walked in was absolute madness. The prices of the superfoods were robbing me of any dignity I had left. I proceeded to pace up and down the shop floor wondering if this was a system error or if Johnny got a bit too excited with his marker. Nonetheless, I walked out with no superfoods in hand.

It begs the question: are superfoods a super scam? I would happily agree, end this discussion here and go eat a Kit-Kat. That, of course, is because with the prices independent stores are charging one would think that these superfoods would be​ covered in gold dust. That, of course, is not the case. The superfood in question today is the humble blueberry. With its low glycaemia index and antioxidant qualities, you can definitely be prepared to pay the premium for a punnet. There could possibly be a reason behind this.

New research that has conducted by the European Journal of Nutrition found that the daily consumption of one cup of fresh blueberries can improve cognition in healthy older adults. Meaning that you will understand, learn and remember things far more easily. Not too bad when you’re trying to remember what you did last week. The study was conducted over a 3-month period, with 13 healthy men and 24 healthy women between the ages of 60 and 75 being randomly assigned to receive Highbush blueberry powder daily (the equivalent of one cup of fresh blueberries) or a placebo powder. The results were incredibly telling and emphasising the importance of the promotion of healthy ageing. So, we’re in agreement; yes, blueberries are fantastic for your health, but what does labelling them as a superfood do to our pockets?

When a piece of fruit or veg is more expensive I automatically think that it must be better for me. Unfortunately, the hipster-ish packaging only encourages this mentality. And, honestly, the sales clerks with their ‘love life, love food’ slogan tees are not helping the situation and giving me free food, I mean c’mon, couldn’t you just ignore me, Johnny?  So what’s left? Where can you buy cheap fruit and vegetables while still not compromising on the quality? With the rampant gentrification of London and the blow of Brexit, this is not an easy question to answer. Regardless of your budget, find what works for you. Above all else, it’s about quality and not quantity.

Our Founder Featured on the Secret Birds Entrepreneurship Platform

Our Founder Featured on the Secret Birds Entrepreneurship Platform

We are so happy to say that our founder, Abi Begho, is featured this month on the Secrets Birds entrepreneurship platform as a Rare Bird.

Secret Birds is an emerging market entrepreneurship community that empowers, encourages and supports women in the pre-start-up and start-up phases of their businesses, and they  teach girls aged 8-13 in disadvantaged communities entrepreneurial skills.

Secret Birds has also developed the concept of Rare Birds who are women who inspire through entrepreneurship. They define a Rare Bird as “an ordinary woman who is achieving extraordinary things as an entrepreneur. Rare Birds have mastered the art of flight!” Every month a woman in business is featured on the Secret Bird platform and March 2017 is the month for our founder Abi Begho.

In her feature, Abi Begho discusses why she set up The Lake Foundation, some of the challenges she has faced along the way, how she has overcome these and provides some advice for others wanting to start their own business. You can read Abi’s interview with Secret Birds here.

Secrete Birds is doing great work to support women in business and they will be launching a new initiative called ‘Connect. Collaborate. Grow.’ this year. This initiative will provide a mixture of activities which will focus on both the technical and non-technical aspects of starting a business.

We would like to say a big thank you to Secrete Birds for featuring Abi Begho this month and wish them every success with all the great work they are doing.

Get Involved, Support a School in Ghana with The Pen Network

Get Involved, Support a School in Ghana with The Pen Network

The health and wellbeing of our community starts with our young people and an important aspect of their wellbeing is ensuring they have access to good education with the best possible facilities. This is why we’re supporting The Pen Network, an independent charitable organisation that aims to improve the life chances of African children. Currently they are fundraising  for the Odoi Atsem Memorial Preparatory School in Ghana to help this school with much-needed infrastructural work


The school was set up by well-meaning individuals because there were no schools in their area which meant children didn’t attend school as it was too expensive for them to travel outside the community. The fees at the school are a fraction of what they would have to pay at other private schools ensuring that as many children as possible can access a high standard of education. Although it’s private, the school uses the national curriculum but is also committed to providing African centred learning. Much of its funds come from the parents, relatives and friends of the staff, especially the Headmaster, Mr Percy Gogoe.

During the rainy season the local area experiences terrible flooding and the school has to close for many reasons, one of which is the poor sanitation which is made worse by the flooding. This inability to install an effective sanitation system means they have been subjected to paying fines from their already meagre income.

The Pen Network Aims to Help

The Pen Network is aiming to raise £3000. This is needed for the completion of the school’s infrastructure, including the roof, the toilet facilities and waste disposal system. The waste disposal system will help with the drainage of stagnant water, which breeds mosquitoes and increases risk of malaria. The children do not complain. They are happy to be at school, no matter what the conditions, but The Pen Network believes that by coming together we help them learn in a much better environment and are seeking your support to achieve this.

 How You Can Help

The Pen Network have some exciting activities planned to help reach their £3,000 target. The aim is to do something charitable, whilst having fun and getting fit and healthy. Check out the challenges below and see what inspires you. They are all designed with maximum fun, fitness and health in mind. You can take part as an individual, organisation or a group of friends.

1. Vegan/Raw Health Challenge

Join The Pen Network’s members for this healthy eating, lifestyle changing activity. You decide how long you want to do the challenge for but it must be between 1-4 weeks.​You can either do a strictly vegan, combine vegan and raw meals or really go for it and do a strictly raw diet. Get as many of your family and friends to sponsor you.

Starts: 31st March 2017

2. The Bicycle Ride Challenge

How about a cycle challenge in collaboration with us, The Lake Foundation. You will need a bike to take part. Get your family and friends to sponsor you and get fit cycling.

Where: Croydon, South London

When: 29th April 2017

Duration: 4 hours

 3. 10k Run

For the die-hards, you can join The Pen Network members in a  10K challenge.

Where: to be confirmed

When: May

Duration:It’s up to you  😉


4. The Big Soul line Dance

 The Pen Network’s Big Soul Line Dance in the park will give you the chance to learn some new grooves whilst raising funds for educational needs. Sponsored by Johmard Fitness & Dance.

Cost: £5.00 to take part

When: In summer, to be confirmed

Where: A lovely park in London, to be confirmed

5.  Do your own!

Do you have an idea or challenge you want to share? Tell The Pen Network about it and get your friends to sponsor you. The duration of the challenge is up to you but it must be completed by the end of May.

6. Sponsor The Pen Network as an Organisation

If you are an organisation that shares an interest in The Pen Network’s cause, why not sponsor them? A great benefit will be the opportunity for some team bonding by getting your staff involved in our challenges. At the end of our activities, we’ll invite you to share your success story.   Speak to The Pen Network about how you can work together on this and other projects

More Information

For more information on how to take part you can contact The Pen Network by:


Phone: 07950 308 033

Twitter – @thepennetwork

Facebook – thepennetwork


Getting Your 10 A Day
BlogDietVolunteer Bloggers

Getting Your 10 A Day

We welcome back our guest blogger, Stacey Mensah. This week Stacey reflects on the new research conducted by Imperial College London that found we need to eat more than 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day to achieve a significant health benefit.

Welcome back to the Lake Foundation!

I hope this week hasn’t been too depressing for you with the arrival storm Doris. This has been a week of great reflection for me as I look back on how I became the person I am today. I’ve been particularly looking at my eating habits and how they formed. This comes at quite an interesting time as new studies have found that eating greater amounts of fruit vegetables can lower your risk of disease. Honestly, I’ll give them an A for effort. Studies like this one are not going to comfort you when it’s a movie night and you have no food; or, when you’re coming from work and you ‘happen’ to stumble across the infamous golden arches. Ultimately, people are going to treat studies such as these as a pick ‘n’ mix or an all you can eat buffet. So, here is what’s on the menu, or rather what the study has found.

Eating 10 portions of fruits and vegetable​s every day​ could significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, a new study has found. The study, that was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, also identified which fruit and vegetables provided the greatest protection against disease.

The research found that apples, pears, citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and cruciferous vegetables may help protect against heart disease, cardiovascular disease, ​and early death. The foods that were found to prevent cancer were green vegetables, yellow vegetables such as peppers and carrots, and cruciferous vegetables.

Other studies have also supported this thesis, as a separate study that was published in the Thorax journal, found that a fruit and veg rich diet is linked to a much lower risk of chronic lung disease. I’m guessing this isn’t something we haven’t already heard before. I don’t know about you but what I’m particularly interested in is how we fit 10 portions of fruit and veg into our daily intake. With all the dinners and drinks the working women have​ scheduled during the week you really don’t want to be that friend who is taking out her Tupperware containers at the dinner table.

Having just lost 10 pounds from switching up my eating habits I would suggest making your meals in advance – which means making them from scratch and staying away from processed foods. At the beginning, ​it’s best not to be over ambitious as you will have lots of leftover food. Another suggestion would be to invest in a smoothie maker. Thankfully I was gifted a Nutri-bullet a while back so it has made eating vegetables and fruit much easier. The main thing to keep in mind is that you want to ​strike a balance – you don’t want to overload on sugar.

Comment down below on how you manage to eat 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

We would love to hear from you….

Why joining The Lake Foundation’s Cycling Club Is a Good Idea: Part 2

Why joining The Lake Foundation’s Cycling Club Is a Good Idea: Part 2

In this week’s blog, our Cycling Coordinator continues her discussion on the benefits of cycling.

It’s 2017 and we kick-started the year as we intend to go on with more cycling adventures in Croydon and beyond. Following our blog about the mental benefits of cycling, we are looking at the physical benefits of cycling.

Gently does it

Cycling is low impact but effective.  Low-impact describes an exercise where at least one foot remains on the ground. So some argue that cycling is no-impact as both feet sit on pedals! When you sit on your cycle your weight rests on a pair of bones in your pelvis instead of your legs. This takes the pressure off your joints. In turn, it reduces the risk of injuries that can affect your movement. In fact, research suggests low impact sports can promote the healing of damaged joints.

Look great on the outside

Cycling is generally a great full-body workout. It works and tones leg muscles, your bottom and upper body. It can assist in weight loss as it increases the body’s ability to burn calories and fat. A lesser-known fact is that exercise promotes the flow of oxygen and nutrients to feed your skin cells. This can make you appear more youthful. It also promotes the creation of collagen, which can prevent those pesky wrinkles.

Be great on the inside

Prevention is better than cure. A low impact activity like cycling can improve and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The British Heart Foundation found that cyclists have half the risk of heart disease compared to those who don’t exercise at all. If pilates or yoga isn’t your thing then cycling is a good way to strengthen your core muscles. This can improve your balance and your coordination. Surprisingly, regular cycling can improve your fitness levels to match someone 10 years younger.

We can’t promise you’ll achieve the stamina of a professional cyclist nor the lean body of a central London courier, but The Lake Foundation Cycling Club is a good start towards your fitness and wellbeing goals for 2017. For more information on how to join email events@thelakefoundation.com








Vitamin D May Protect Us From the Cold and Flu

Vitamin D May Protect Us From the Cold and Flu

Last week, researchers published the results of their analysis on vitamin D which assessed the overall  effect of vitamin D supplementation on the risk of developing respiratory tract infections such as the cold and flu.

In their analysis, researchers looked at 25 studies and this included 11,321 people aged 0 to 95 years old from 14 different countries.  They found that daily or weekly vitamin D supplementation lowers a person’s risk of developing acute respiratory infections. The effect was most profound in people with the lowest levels of vitamin D with their risk being halved. People with higher levels of vitamin D also benefited, their risk reduced by 10 per cent.

Researchers explained that vitamin D may protect against these infection by helping the body make anti-microbial substances that protect the body from bacteria and viruses.

As a result of their findings, researches stated that this strengthened the case for fortifying more foods with vitamin D, but whilst the researchers were very positive about their findings the UK Government was very cautious saying:

“The evidence on vitamin D and infection is inconsistent, and this study does not provide sufficient evidence to support recommending vitamin D for reducing the risk of respiratory tract infections.”

Vitamin D is very important in protecting our bone and muscle health as well as boosting the immune system.  It i also thought to have additional health benefits such as protecting against diabetes,  asthma, some cancers and heart disease.  To reap the benefits of vitamin D, Public Health England has recommended that people’s average intake of vitamin D should be 10 micrograms.

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is made in the skin as a result of exposure to sunlight and this is the main source of vitamin D for many people in the UK during the spring and summer. During the autumn and winter months, to get the recommended amount of vitamin D, Public Health England recommends consuming foods which contain vitamin D naturally or are fortified with it.

It is particularly important that the black community in the UK ensure they are getting enough vitamin D. This is because the melanin in our skin, which protects against UV light, also affects our skin’s ability to make vitamin D. So with the same sun exposure as someone with lighter skin we produce less vitamin D. This means that black community are more at risk of having a vitamin D deficiency and should consider taking vitamin D supplements all year round.