

Bird Rock, St Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies


+1 869 765 8702

CoverImageSweetTalk (2)

Sweet Talk E1: Regional Approaches to Tackling NCDs in the Caribbean

Thursday 29th April 2021

Welcome back to our podcast.  After a long break, we’re back today with our new series Sweet Talk which is part of our new campaign, You’re Sweet Enough. Through this campaign we aim to promote healthy drinking by encouraging the public to drink more water and fewer sweet drinks.

Our series, Sweet Talk, will feature informative and interactive interviews with various guests who share views on non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and discuss approaches to improving the health and wellbeing of our communities through healthy drinking and eating practices.

Women's Health

Caribbean Region Unites in the War Against Endometriosis

Trudy Christian

President of the Dominica PCOS Association

March is designated as “Endometriosis Awareness Month.” Endometriosis is a serious medical disorder which affects women of any age. It occurs when tissue resembling the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside of the uterus, on organs and structures both in the pelvic region (ex. ovaries)  and outside of the pelvic region (ex. lungs). This tissue behaves just like endometrial tissue would and responds to monthly fluctuations in hormones during the menstrual cycle, building up and attempting to shed but with no exit path. The condition often causes debilitating pain, heavy and painful menstrual periods and mental health distress. Organizations across the Caribbean region who have taken up the mantle in advocating for greater awareness of women’s health issues joined their voices on the evening of March 31st 2021 to shine a much needed light on endometriosis and the current needs of the region in that regard.

The regional collaborative effort manifested itself in the form of a webinar, with presentations on different aspects of endometriosis and its management from each women’s health advocate. The panellists touched on the symptoms of endometriosis and barriers which may exist to diagnosis and treatment. Some of the focus of the discussion was on the mental health implications of endometriosis and how patients can self-advocate and empower themselves when facing the disease. The essential nature of early intervention and the need to approach endometriosis with a multidisciplinary approach was also highlighted. 

Trudy Christian, founder of the Dominica PCOS Association moderated the panel and presentations were made by Abi Begho, founder of Lake Health and Wellbeing in St. Kitts, Julia Mandeville, co-founder of the Barbados Association of Endometriosis and PCOS, Odelia Thomas, founder of She is Lotus of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Rovin Fevrier, founder of the St. Lucia Endometriosis, PCOS and Adenomyosis Support Group and Abeesha Toussaint, founder of the Trinidad & Tobago Endometriosis Association. Sandrina Davis of Jamaica, who is the Country Director of International Samaritan, shared her lived experience with endometriosis with the audience. She gave the story of her journey with the dreadful disease and ended with a message of hope and empathy. 

The virtual event was an immense success, receiving positive feedback and healthy interaction from those who were in attendance. Several women voiced their concerns over aspects of handling endometriosis such as the availability of specialists for quality interventions, the impact of diet on the condition and the options as it relates to fertility. The panellists hope to continue in their quest of regional communication and collaboration in dealing with women’s health concerns. In minimal resource settings of individual Caribbean islands, it was wholeheartedly agreed upon that collaboration is the best way forward. One region with sisters united in advocacy, awareness and focus. Endometriosis and other female pelvic disorders should be scared. 

If you missed this event, you can watch a recording of the session below. 

DietObesityYou're Sweet Enough

You’re Sweet Enough Campaign Launch

On 22nd March, we joined our partners from the Ministry of Health to launch our You’re Sweet Enough campaign.

This 9-month campaign aims to raise awareness of the harmful health effects of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and encourage everyone to drink water as the healthy alternative.

Speakers at this event included Isalean Phillip, our Advocacy and Research Officer and Dr Marissa Carty, the NCD Coordinator at the Ministry of Health. 

Isalean Phillip started the event by highlighting that non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death in St Kitts and Nevis with 83% of deaths being attributed to these conditions. Ms Phillips also explained that driving the development of non-communicable diseases is the high rate of obesity in the Federation. Therefore, this campaign focuses on one cause of obesity, the overconsumption of SSBs. Ms Phillip went on to explain that regular consumption of sugary drinks is found to be linked to weight gain and obesity, and this increases our risk of developing diseases like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and some cancers.

Isalean Phillip, Advocacy and Research Officer, Lake Health and Wellbeing

Dr Marissa Carty, the NCD Coordinator at the Ministry of Health, then provided some remarks and stated that the Ministry recognises the urgent need to protect the health of the nation and one important approach is to reduce the public’s consumption of SSBs.  She went on to voice her disappointment at “the deceptive and manipulative marketing of SSBs to vulnerable communities and demographics such as children, youth and young adults” and described some of the measures that are required to reduce SSB consumption – an SSB tax adequate nutrition labelling of SSBs and evidence-based information about the harmful effects of SSBs. 

Dr Marissa Carty, NCD Coordinator, Ministry of Health

The event ended with the official launch of the campaign materials by Abi Begho, Lake Health and Wellbeing’s Director. Mrs Begho showcased the campaign jingle (with vocals provided by local artist Dejour), billboards, the first educational animation and community leader video.

Abi Begho, Director, Lake Health and Wellbeing

We had a great time at our launch event and are very much looking forward to making a difference through this campaign. You can visit the campaign website to find out more and to be kept up-to-date.

SugarYou're Sweet Enough

You’re Sweet Enough Campaign

This World Water Day, Lake Health and Wellbeing, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in St Kitts, has launched a health education campaign encouraging the public to drink more water and reduce their consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs).

This 9-month campaign, titled You’re Sweet Enough, is intended to raise awareness of the harmful health effects of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages like sodas, fruit drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks, and to encourage everyone to drink water as the healthy alternative.

Due to the very high level of sugar in SSBs, their regular consumption has been linked to weight gain and obesity, and being overweight or obese increases a person’s risk of developing non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.

Research has shown that 45% of adults and 26% of children in St Kitts and Nevis are obese, and that this is contributing to the high rate of NCDs in the Federation. Sadly, data shows that NCDs contribute to 83% of deaths in St Kitts and Nevis.

By reducing SSB consumption, we can reduce a major source of sugar in diets and this can lead to a reduction in NCD risk and related death and disability.

The campaign will use social media, billboards, music, videos, animation, a campaign website and info-session events to provide information across St Kitts and Nevis. Through these platforms, Lake Health and Wellbeing will be urging people to think before they drink, consider the amount of sugar in beverages and opt for water instead.

Abi Begho, Director at Lake Health and Wellbeing, stated, Generally speaking, when we think about a healthy diet, there is a focus on healthy eating, which is of course essential, but it is also important to drink healthily too. Reducing our consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is one way to combat the high rates of obesity in St Kitts and Nevis, which is a leading risk factor for developing NCDs.”

Whilst Dr Marissa Carty, the NCD Coordinator at the Ministry of Health, added:

“The scientific, medical, and public health communities all agree that the negative effects of sugar-sweetened beverages on weight gain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers are of great concern. The Ministry of Health recognizes this concern and is in the process of developing a sugar-sweetened beverage policy that will include interventions to reduce the consumption of SSBs in the Federation. Meanwhile, we are encouraging the general public to ‘Rethink Your Drink’ by paying close attention to the sugar content in the drinks you consume by actively reading the nutrition labels and drinking more water.”

You can view and share some of our campaign material below.

Campaign Jingle

The Dangers of Sweet Beverages

Take Care of This Temple

NewsYou're Sweet Enough

Island Tea Interview on WINNFM

On 17th March 2021, our Advocacy and Research Officer, Isalean Phillip, was interviewed on WINNFM’s morning show, Island Tea.

During her interview, Isalean discussed the work of our NGO, the public health challenges that we face in St Kitts and Nevis and she introduced the public to our upcoming sugar-sweetened beverage campaign which launches on 22nd March 2021. She also announced that our new regular slot on Island Tea, Health and Herbal Tea, will start in April and provide a platform for us to discuss issues related to NCDs, obesity and sugar-sweetened beverages.

If you missed her interview, you can view the recording below and if you have any questions, please leave a comment in the comments section below.

DietYou're Sweet Enough

Beverage Survey

If you live in St Kitts and Nevis and are over the age of 18, we would love to hear from you! We’re conducting a beverage survey and would be so grateful if you would complete the survey, it will just take about five minutes.

The purpose of this survey is to gain your honest opinion on specific health issues and to understand what beverages you drink and how often you consume them. Your answers will help us as we develop a new project on beverage consumption. The final data or report will speak to national views and opinions and at no point will participants be identified.

The survey will ask about how concerned you are about non-communicable disease (NCDs), your thoughts on different approaches to tackle NCDs, your experience with NCDs and how often you drink certain beverages.

Once you complete the survey, you can enter a raffle competition and get the chance to win some great prizes.

You can complete the survey below and if you have any questions or would like any clarifications, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. You can either leave a comment below in the comments section or you can send us an email


We Welcome Our New Advocacy and Research Officer

We are absolutely delighted to welcome our new Advocacy and Research Officer, Isalean Phillip. Isalean has a strong background in policy and advocacy with a concentration in gender, equity, diversity and inclusion. 

Isalean will be taking the lead on our new project to create a healthy food environment where the public can easily make healthy choices. Specifically, her work will focus on advocating for government and private sector policies and decisions related to healthy and unhealthy beverages and implementing a campaign focusing on sugar-sweetened beverages.

In today’s blog, we take you behind the scenes to learn more about Isalean and what inspires her.

Tells us about your career journey so far.

I think I’m fortunate to have a diverse professional background having worked with non-profits, NGOs and government departments on various aspects of policy development, including academic research and analysis, lobbying and advocacy, public education, policy writing and program/project implementation and coordination. Given my passion for social development and transformation, I tend to gravitate towards organizations and projects that address issues affecting vulnerable populations like women, children and youth, black, indigenous and people of colour.  

What inspired you to pursue a career in policy and advocacy?

I have a history of youth leadership and advocacy. I was a former Leeward Island debater, youth parliamentarian and Commonwealth Youth Ambassador and the exposure I gained in these areas really ignited my passion for advocacy, particularly around social policy. I’m also very scholarly so it felt like a natural pivot to build a career as a policy professional who is able to apply strong communication, research and analytical skills to lead and coordinate various aspects of policy development.

What role do you think policy plays in improving the public’s health?

I believe that policy is an essential tool for enabling social change and transformation. Ultimately, public health policy is intended to protect and preserve the health and wellness of all persons to ensure we live full and productive lives. And so, polices play a critical role by regulating health practices and procedures, removing barriers for more equitable access to health-related resources and influencing behavior change to cultivate healthier habits and lifestyles.

What are you most looking forward to about working with Lake Health and Wellbeing?

I’m really looking forward to making an impact in St. Kitts and Nevis and the wider region through this campaign and the other research projects that LHW is executing. I love the energy and professionalism that Abi and Oyehmi bring and I’m excited about learning and growing with them in this new role. I believe working with LHW presents me with a great opportunity to do something worthwhile and make a positive change for the collective good, and that excites me.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

It is my lifelong goal to visit the 7 wonders of the world. I’ve got 2 down (the Colleseum in Rome and the Chichen Itza in Mexico) and 5 to go.

When you’re not working, how do you spend your time?

I spend my free time at home mostly. I enjoy listening to music and podcasts, Netflix and chill and I’m always up for spending quality time with loved ones, eating good food and having great conversation.

We are very much looking forward to working with Isalean and if you’d like to contact her about our new sugar-sweetened beverages project, you can send leave her a comment below or send her an email

BlogVolunteer Bloggers

Connecting Mind and Body: Alternative Treatments for Substance Abusers

Today’s blog post comes from guest author, Kimberly Hayes, Chief Blogger at Public Health Alert. In this piece, Kimberly explores alternative treatments for substance abusers. 

Kimberly knows firsthand the loneliness and unknowns that addiction brings. After overcoming an eating disorder, she is ready to squash the stigma and help raise awareness about the importance of health, wellness, and self-care as it pertains to addiction, mental health, and so much more.

Millions of people all over the world struggle with addiction and seek treatment for it each year. Traditional treatment regimens, including pharmacotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and motivational enhancement therapy, aren’t always reliable because every patient and every addiction is different. For example, cannabis and cocaine (particularly crack) are among the most widely used substances in the Caribbean, and the methods of treatment may vary.

Consequently, not everyone responds to treatment in the same way. Substance abuse treatment itself is a complex process full of twists and turns, and many individuals suffer relapses along the way. When traditional approaches prove ineffective, many turn to alternative treatments in hopes that a fresh and different approach may produce positive results, and some even use technology to help in their efforts. These alternatives are usually referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments. CAM describes a wide range of holistic approaches that involve natural products like minerals, vitamins and herbs, and mind/body disciplines, such as yoga, meditation, and acupuncture.

Holistic Therapies

Holistic therapies seek to heal all aspects of one’s health, and are often recommended for people who don’t comprehend which aspect of their health their drug use is attempting to manage. By healing the mind, body and spirit, holistic therapy helps individuals maintain sobriety after the primary reasons for their addiction have been addressed. In other words, holistic therapies not only aim to heal but help maintain health well after treatment. That’s why so many therapists turn to this approach when more mainstream treatments fail to work. Many alternative approaches are used in conjunction with conventional approaches.

How to Choose

Deciding on a non-traditional treatment method should be rooted in evidence-based effectiveness. Proof of effectiveness is important because most alternative therapies are not rooted in traditional science. Therefore, the patient should take care in choosing which approaches they will employ, since it’s likely that some will prove disagreeable or lack efficacy. In other words, while meditation may work for some, acupuncture or tai chi may prove a better choice for others. If someone in addiction recovery is new to meditation, there are apps available that they can use on their smartphones, such as buddhify, Calm, and Headspace.

Length and Expense

Typically, holistic treatment programs last from 30 to 60 days though, in general, the longer the program, the better. Many people begin with a short-term stay to see if the therapy is right for them, then decide to stay longer if they’re seeing results. CAM programs can be rather expensive, given the fact that they’re often cutting-edge in nature (many facilities are in remote locales and offer healthy foods that tend to be expensive). Some treatment facilities will accept health insurance or allow you to set up a payment plan.

The Right Fit

Holistic rehabilitation programs are more flexible than conventional treatments. When investigating different options, look for a program that will customize treatment to suit your particular needs rather than insisting you follow the same path as every other patient. Visit the facility and talk to staff so that you can reach a comfort level before committing.

Complementary Approaches

Treatments that complement pharmacotherapeutic methods tend to favor natural approaches that use probiotics and botanicals to round out the therapy. Massage and other forms of physical therapy are also popular alternatives designed to achieve the kind of mind/body connection that can speed recovery. Hypnotism and movement therapies are also frequently used to help those in treatment for addiction avoid lapsing into negative and self-destructive behaviors. Even decluttering and cleaning your home can inject some positive energy into your life, along with reducing stress and anxiety.

Another complementary approach is physical activity. An exercise routine can aid addiction recovery by raising mood, establishing structure, and improving outlook. Routines do not have to be demanding; some easy stretches like chin tucks, ankle circles, and calf raises can bring down stress. More arduous physical activities include gardening, jogging, swimming, biking, and lifting weights. 

Patients seeking treatment for substance abuse should steer clear of alternative therapies that have little or no evidence to support their efficacy. Achieving and maintaining sobriety is serious business and there’s no time to waste on alternatives that clearly offer little hope for success. Seek the advice of a health professional who can recommend a CAM option that’s best-suited to provide long-term support.

Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash

Healthy Choices

We Receive a Grant from the GHAI

We are absolutely delighted to have recently received a grant from the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI) to support our efforts to tackle non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in St Kitts and Nevis.

NCDs are a major challenge in St Kitts and Nevis and are the leading cause of mortality, morbidity and hospital admissions. A study conducted by the University of Newcastle and the Ministry of Health (MoH) reported that 54% of adults had at least one chronic illness and the Nevis Island Administration recently reported that 85% of hospital admissions were NCD-related.  Furthermore, 83% of deaths in St Kitts and Nevis are due to NCDs.

Driving the high prevalence of NCDs is obesity.  The 2008 WHO STEPS survey found that 33.5% of 25-64-year olds were overweight and 45% were obese. Also, a PAHO report published in 2012 revealed that 32.5% of secondary school children were overweight and 14.4% were obese.

To prevent high levels of mortality and morbidity due to NCDs, we need to tackle obesity and an important way that we can do this is by ensuring that we create a healthy environment where it is easy to make healthy choices.

This grant will help us advocate for government policies and decisions related to unhealthy food and beverages and implement a media campaign focusing on the harms of unhealthy choices. By doing this we hope to drive the change that is required to reduce the public’s consumption of unhealthy food and beverages and therefore reduce the rate of NCDs.

We are very grateful to the GHAI for their support and look forward to making a difference to the public’s health through this project.

More Information

Over the next few months look out for information on this new project. In the meantime, if you have any questions or comments, please email info@lakehealthandwellbeing.com


Pan American Health Organisation (2012). Health in the American 2012: St Kitts and Nevis [Online]. Available at: https://www.paho.org/salud-en-las-americas-2012/index.php?option=com_docman&view=download&category_slug=hia-2012-country-chapters-22&alias=145-saint-kitts-nevis-145&Itemid=231&lang=en

UNICEF, (2017). Situation Analysis of Children in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis. [Online] Bridgetown: UNICEF Office for the Eastern Caribbean Area and the Government of St Kitts and Nevis, pp, 12-79. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/easterncaribbean/ECAO_St._Kitts_Sitan_2017.pdf

Health Policy

We’re Hiring An Advocacy Officer

We will be starting a new project to advocate for policies that promote healthy drinking, and we are recruiting an Advocacy Officer.