The 7-week SKN Moves annual campaign, which started on 1st August 2023, continues with a focus this week on promoting healthy drinking habits.
Organised by Lake Health and Wellbeing, Healthy Drinking Week takes place from August 21st until 26th August 2023 and aims to shine a spotlight on the significance of mindful beverage consumption.
Healthy Drinking Week underscores the impact that beverages can have on our health and as such the public is being asked to reevaluate their consumption patterns, particularly concerning alcohol and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). By reducing our intake of these beverages and incorporating more water into our routine, we can collectively strive for a healthier future.
Excessive consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol has been linked to the development of non-

communicable diseases (NCDs) and with almost 60% of deaths in St Kitts and Nevis being linked to NCDs we must take action to build a healthier, sustainable nation. By adopting healthier drinking habits, the public can contribute to reducing their risk of developing an NCD.
To protect the health of the public, Lake Health and Wellbeing’s plea to policymakers is unequivocal: Enact measures that safeguard public health by reducing the consumption of SSBs and shielding individuals from the harms of alcohol. Policies such as SSB taxation, front-of-package warning labels, a school nutrition policy and alcohol reduction policies hold the potential to transform our consumption habits and foster a culture of healthy drinking.
Additionally, we implore the public to curtail their alcohol and SSB intake and consume more water. Embracing water is a small yet impactful step towards a healthier lifestyle.
To highlight the importance of healthy hydration, the public can take part in the Drink Water Challenge, running from August 21st to 26th, and experience the rejuvenating power of hydration firsthand. In support of this challenge, through a collaboration with TappWater, the public can easily access free filtered water through hydration stations located across Basseterre. Furthermore, educational information will be provided through a social media campaign.
Healthy Drinking Week is part of the Ministry of Health’s SKN Moves campaign which aims to tackle non-communicable diseases by promoting healthy eating, physical activity and regular health screening.
For more information about Healthy Drinking Week, the public can connect with Lake Health and Wellbeing through their social media pages, email or call 765 8702.