We were absolutely delighted to be featured in the Secret Birds new social media campaign, 31 Days of Business Ideas. This campaign aims to inspire young entrepreneurs to start their business journey by giving them a wide range of ideas to learn from. The variety of businesses featured highlights the vast possibilities that are out there and underscores the importance of identifying a need and developing solutions to address that need.
Lake Health and Wellbeing (formerly The Lake Foundation) is featured on day 22 of this campaign providing up and coming business owners with the idea that challenges around health and well-being can be developed into business opportunities. We do stress that delving into this field should be done for the right reasons; to help society and not solely for personal gain as this is a field that significantly affects people’s lives and you need to have empathy and a genuine interest in people to be truly successful.
Secret Birds aims to help women in the prestart-up and start-up phase build their businesses through connecting, collaborating and growing multi-faceted memberships and to teach girls in disadvantaged communities entrepreneurial skills through Nestling Pop Ups. They aim to build a global community with no limitations or boundaries and their mantra is to share your secrets and share your success; sharing is one of their key values and underpins everything they do.
We would like to say a big thank you to Secret Birds for featuring us in this campaign. To find out about the other businesses featured in this campaign visit the Secret Birds’ Twitter or Facebook pages and GrenStart’s Facebook page
You can also find out more about Secret Birds on their website here