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Category: Fibroids

Fibroids Wellness Retreat Survey

Fibroids Wellness Retreat Survey

The Caribbean Tourism Organisation has declared 2018 as the Year of Wellness and Rejuvenation in the Caribbean. With this in mind The Lake Foundation in collaboration with Noire Wellness are exploring organising a fibroids wellness retreat and we would be grateful if you could complete the following survey.

This survey will help us understand if there is a need and interest in this type of event.  We want to determine whether this type of event would be a useful form of support for women affected by fibroids.

Any and all feedback is welcome and we would be very grateful if you could share this survey with anybody that you think would have an interest in this event.

Our Next Fibroids Twitter Chat

Our Next Fibroids Twitter Chat

We are delighted to announce our next fibroids Twitter chat will be on  Wednesday  29th  November 2017 from 7pm-8pm (UK time). We will be joined by special guest Imani Sorhaindo with host, our own Abi Begho, founder of The Lake Foundation.

Imani Sorhaindo is a teacher, Curriculum Manager, Life Coach and Facilitator of the Ipswich Black Sisters Fibroid and Womb-Wellness Support Group.

Imani has been working as a community development worker for the upliftment of the African community for over 28 years.

Imani has her own personal life experience of working towards shrinking fibroids, and eradicating stress and toxicity through a range of life-changing techniques and lifestyle living including breathing, meditation and energy balancing.

Over the past 13 years she has been researching the world of women’s health; particularly around fibroids and healing. The Black sister’s fibroid group which she runs in Suffolk has been running for its first year; with pleasing results. She has recently delivered a short lecture at the Black History Walks Nzingha Lectures in London.

Imani is also half-way through writing her book around the theme ‘Holistic approaches towards the elimination of fibroids. In 2018, Imani will be hosting her first Fibroids conference in the Caribbean island of Dominica.

This Twitter chat has been organised to allow for an in-depth discussion with Imani on her personal experience with fibroids, her work facilitating the Ipswich Black Sisters Fibroids and Womb-Wellness Support Group, her upcoming book on holistic approaches to fibroids and her first fibroids conference in Dominica.

We’ll be putting questions to Imani and you can put your questions to her too. So if you have a burning question about fibroids or just want to get involved in the discussion then do join us on the day. To take part in the conversation please use the hashtag #FibroidsChat.

We look forward to tweeting with you!

Noire Wellness’ Fibroids Wellness Hub
FibroidsNewsNoire Wellness

Noire Wellness’ Fibroids Wellness Hub

After their successful 12-week, pop-up wellness hub last year, which was a health and fitness club, spa lounge and workshop zone all rolled into one, Noire Wellness will be hosting a fibroids wellness hub. This will be held on Sunday 26th November at Wiseworks and will cover a range of topics including diet, exercise and the emotional impact of fibroids.

The wellness hub aims to empower women affected by fibroids giving them the information and practical support that they need to improve their well-being.

Noire Wellness is an organisation that aims to improve the health and wellness of the African and African-Caribbean community through the offer of local wellness hubs, community consultancy services and a growing wellness business network.

You can book your place on EventBrite here and for more information about the fibroids wellness hub, please download their flyer below or email  info@noirewellness.com

You can find out more about Noire Wellness by following them on Twitter, liking their page on Facebook or signing up to their newsletter here

Fibroids Fraternitee Event: A female gynaecologist answers your questions

Fibroids Fraternitee Event: A female gynaecologist answers your questions

On 25th October the Griot Institute is organising a Fibroids Fraternitee Forum which will offer a space and place for women to increase their knowledge about fibroids. This event will feature Dr Ruth Cochran who has worked at Lewisham Hospital for over 30 years and is the most senior consultant in gynaecology and obstetrics.  She has worked with generations of women with fibroids and  will answer questions on treatment options.  This forum is an opportunity to gain information, ask questions and to explore other ways in which women might improve their health and manage their fibroids.

The event starts at 6:30pm  on 25th October and will be held at the Civic Suite in Catford (this is next to the Town Hall). Free fibroid-friendly food will be available from 6:40pm.

You can find out more about this event and book a space on EventBrite here  or email griotonline@hotmail.com

Noire Wellness’ Fibroids Wellness Hub: Save the Date
FibroidsNewsNoire Wellness

Noire Wellness’ Fibroids Wellness Hub: Save the Date

Please note that this event has been rescheduled and will now be held on 26th November as a one-day event. For more information visit EventBrite

After their successful 12-week, pop-up wellness hub last year, which was a health and fitness club, spa lounge and workshop zone all rolled into one, Noire Wellness will be hosting a fibroids wellness hub. This will run over several weeks starting from 24th September and will cover a range of topics including diet, exercise and the emotional impact of fibroids.

The wellness hub aims to empower women affected by fibroids giving them the information and practical support that they need to improve their well-being.

Noire Wellness is an organisation that aims to improve the health and wellness of the African and African-Caribbean community through the offer of local wellness hubs, community consultancy services and a growing wellness business network.

You can find out more about Noire Wellness by following them on Twitter, liking their page on Facebook or signing up to their newsletter here

More information about the fibroids wellness hub will be available soon, but if you have any questions please email info@noirewellness.com

Fibroids Fraternitee Consultation Meeting

Fibroids Fraternitee Consultation Meeting

The Griot Institute is organising a consultation event for Black women on the treatment and support for chronic fibroids.

The Fibroids Fraternitee meeting will examine questions about the kind of health care Black women want in relation to chronic fibroids.

What would a Black women-friendly service look like? What support do women want to deal with the disabling aspects of suffering from chronic fibroids?  What medical and clinical interventions have we had and how have these affected us? What lifestyle and natural approaches have we used to good effect?

For many years, Griot has run peer support forums for Black women with chronic fibroids with presentations from expert patients, clinicians and naturopaths.  They are consulting to find out what women want in their new series of monthly forums. They also want to know how younger women want to be supported and how they can access the vast knowledge of older Black women who have accumulated a vast range of knowledge on how fibroids were dealt with ‘back home’ in order to explore potential wider options for women with chronic fibroids

The event will take place at Deptford X,   9 Brookmill Road, London SE8 4HL, on Saturday 10th  June 2017 from 1pm to 5pm

Places can be booked at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fibroids-fraternitee-workshop-tickets-34292467694?aff=efbneb

This event is in collaboration with the AntiUniversity Now Festival 2017.

Speakers Confirmed for Upcoming Fibroids Support Group

Speakers Confirmed for Upcoming Fibroids Support Group

We’re really pleased to let you know that Candice Bryan, Founder of Noire Wellness and Yacoub Khalaf, consultant gynaecologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital will be speaking at the upcoming fibroids support group session.

Candice Bryan will be discussing fibroids and exercise whilst Yacoub Khalaf will be exploring the clinical side of fibroids.

We are  so delighted to have teamed up with TOHETI at Guy’s Hospital for this support group session. which will take place on Monday 15th May from  6:00pm – 7:30pm at the McNair Centre at Guy’s.

Anyone who has been affected by fibroids is welcome to attend and this session aims to provide women with the opportunity to share their experience, meet other women with fibroids, obtain support and hear from experts in the field.

TOHETI’s support group provides a safe, informal setting for women to ask questions and share concerns, both before and after surgery. The group is run by patients, for patients and a clinical member of staff will be present to help answer questions.

For more information and to let us know you’re coming please email events@thelakefoundation.com

Fibroids Support Group in May

Fibroids Support Group in May

We are delighted to have teamed up with TOHETI at Guy’s Hospital for their next fibroids support group session.  This will take place on Monday 15th May from  6:00pm – 7:30pm at the McNair Centre at Guy’s.

Anyone who has been affected by fibroids is welcome to attend and this session aims to provide women with the opportunity to share their experience, meet other women with fibroids, obtain support and hear from experts in the field.

TOHETI’s support group provides a safe, informal setting for women to ask questions and share concerns, both before and after surgery. The group is run by patients, for patients and a clinical member of staff will be present to help answer questions.

For more information and to let us know you’re coming please email events@thelakefoundation.com

Fibroids Twitter Chat

Fibroids Twitter Chat

We are delighted to announce our next fibroids Twitter chat will be on  Wednesday 15th  February 2017 from 7pm-8pm. We will be joined by special guests Dr Sydney Dillard, CEO of Fighting Fibroids, Candice Bryan, CEO and Founder of Noire Wellness and Leah Salmon, Founder of the Naturally You Coach with host, our own Abi Begho, founder of The Lake Foundation.

This Twitter chat has been organised to allow for an in-depth discussion on fibroids, diet and exericse.

We’ll be putting questions to our expert panel and you can put your questions to them too. So if you have a burning question about fibroids or just want to get involved in the discussion then do join us on the day. To take part in the conversation please use the hashtag #FibroidsChat.

We look forward to tweeting with you!

The All-Party Parliamentary Group Asks for Written Evidence on Fibroids

The All-Party Parliamentary Group Asks for Written Evidence on Fibroids

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health is a cross-party group of MPs and Peers in the UK Parliament of Westminster. They have launched an inquiry into whether women are given an informed choice about the treatment options available for particular conditions. Fibroids and endometriosis are among the conditions the group would like to shine a spotlight on.

The group will produce a report which will assess if women are given an informed choice about treatment options and outline what improvements  need to be made.

As part of this inquiry the group is inviting interested parties to submit written evidence. Evidence can be submitted via the following links (endometriosis) (fibroids) or emailed directly to appgwh@mailpbconsulting.com using the pro forma below. Patient experience, anecdotal evidence as well as any sort of data would be gratefully received.

The group would like to hear about current practice as well as potential barriers and issues in order to understand what key recommendations the group can take forward. The group will be accepting written evidence until the end of February 2017.

If you’ve been affected by fibroids we strongly encourage you to submit written evidence on your experience when you were offered treatment. This will make a significant difference and help identify any issues that exist can be identified so that these can be addressed to ensure that the diagnosis and treatment pathway for all women is improved.

If you would like any further information about the inquiry or the group’s work more generally, please contact the group secretariat at appgwh@mailpbconsulting.com or call 020 7735 6963.