

Bird Rock, St Kitts, St Kitts and Nevis, West Indies


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Lessons Learnt About Childhood Obesity Prevention from the HENRY Project
BlogChildhood Obesity

Lessons Learnt About Childhood Obesity Prevention from the HENRY Project

In May, the team behind the HENRY (Health, Exercise and Nutrition for the Really Young) project announced that as a result of their work, Leeds has become the first UK city to see a reduction in childhood obesity (although this has been disputed)

If this is true, this is a great achievement. As we’re embarking on a childhood obesity prevention project, we read this news with great interest because we wanted to identify the secret to HENRY’s success and what we can learn from this project as we enter this arena.

What is the HENRY Project?

The HENRY project started 10 years ago, in 2009, with the aim of giving babies and young children the best start possible. They achieve this by working with parents to provide them with the support and skills they require to improve their families’ overall health by focusing on:

  • Nutrition;
  • Emotional wellbeing;
  • Exercise and physical activity;
  • Parenting skills; and
  • Breastfeeding

The programme offers workshops, programmes, resources and online help and one of their core services is their eight-week Healthy Families Programme. This programme covers five areas:

  • Parenting confidence
  • Physical activity for young children
  • What children and families eat
  • Family lifestyle habits
  • Enjoying life as a family

What Has the HENRY Project Achieved?

The HENRY Project reported that over a four-year period they observed the following:

  • An overall reduction in childhood obesity in Leeds from 9.4% to 8.8%
  • A reduction in obesity in children from deprived backgrounds from 11.5% to 10.5%
  • A reduction in obesity in children from affluent backgrounds from 6.8% to 6%
  • The highest decline in childhood obesity in the four-year-old age group of 6.4%

What Can We Learn From This Project?

As we’re beginning to plan for our own childhood obesity pilot project, we are keen to understand what specifically led to HENRY’s success. Helpfully, the HENRY team have been very open about their project and have explained that some of their success can be attributed to the following:

  • Focusing on early years – they based their work on the premise that it is more effective to target younger children when they are in the habit-forming stage of development. By intervening at this point, obesity interventions are more likely to have an impact with regards to preventing and reversing childhood obesity because of the focus on the period in a child’s life before their habits and food preferences have fully formed.
  • Providing high quality, practical information and support to parents – in the HENRY project parents are not just simply given evidence-based healthy lifestyle information, they work closely with the HENRY team and form a close relationship; a relationship where parents are comfortable enough to explore what changes need to be made in their family’s lives and what is right and convenient for them. Parents are not told what to do but work with the HENRY team to develop a healthy lifestyle plan that works for them.
  • Exploring parenting style – the project worked with parents to evaluate their parenting style and encouraged parents to use an authoritative rather than an authoritarian style. An authoritative style is where parents set clear rules and boundaries but respond to their children’s thoughts and opinions through open discussion and reasoning. This style also includes parents being affectionate, supportive and encouraging of independence. The HENRY project guided parents on how to implement this parenting style, which research has shown to be the most effective parenting style in terms of producing the best outcomes in children.

In Conclusion

The above points are very helpful in demonstrating that for any childhood obesity programme,  there are two important considerations: ensuring your programme targets children at the right age and that it engages parents in a meaningful way. As we begin our work in this area, we will bear this mind so that we give our project the best chance of succeeding.


  1. Four Parenting Styles – Characteristics and Effects by Parenting for Brain
  2. What is Authoritative Parenting, With Examples by Parenting for Brain
  3. Leeds Becomes the First UK City to Lower its Childhood Obesity Rate – The Guardian
  4. My Organisation Helped Leeds Lower Child Obesity. Here’s How to Do it Nationwide – The Guardian
HCC’s Webinar: The Caribbean Experience Of Moving Towards Front-Of-Package Nutrition Labels
Childhood Obesity NewsNews

HCC’s Webinar: The Caribbean Experience Of Moving Towards Front-Of-Package Nutrition Labels

On 21st June 2019, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition hosted their second webinar in their childhood obesity series. This webinar series aims to empower organisations in the Caribbean who are advocating for the introduction of policies to tackle childhood obesity.

This webinar focused on the Caribbean experience of implementing front-of package nutrition labels (FOPL), a key strategy in tackling childhood obesity by ensuring that consumers are provided with a quick and easy of way of assessing the nutritional content of the foods they purchase so they can make healthy choices.

Speakers included:

  • Fulgence St Prix, the Technical Officer at the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), who discussed the revision of the standard for the labelling of pre-packaged foods to include FOPL. He provided an overview of the consultation process, the timeline for the development of the standard, the next steps and recommendations for the standard’s successful implementation.
  • Dr Fabio Da Silvia Gomes, Regional Advisor in Nutrition at PAHO, who gave an insightful presentation on the rationale behind the introduction of FOPL, the best strategy for assessing the most effective type of front-of-package label for Caribbean countries, compared different types of labels and summarised the evidence on the effectiveness of FOP.
  • Dr E. Arthur Phillips, Senior Medical Officer of Health (NCDS), Ministry of Health and Wellness Barbados, who provided a health perspective
  • Luis Galicia, Ministry of Health Uruguay, who summarised their experience of implementing FOPL explaining their strategy, the resources they developed, how they addressed imported products and the challenges they experienced
  • Vonetta Nurse, Advocacy Officer at the Heart Foundation of Jamaica, discussed all the great work they’ve been doing to advocate for FOPL in Jamaica
  • Lawyer, Nicole Foster,  who discussed the trade and practical considerations of FOPL as this is a major concern of industry who argue that FOPL may have trade implications. This presentation explored the WTO’s Technical Barriers to Trade agreement and how this agreement speaks to the balance between trade and protecting the health of a country’s population so that policies like FOPL are not more trade-restrictive than necessary.
  • Maisha Hutton, the Executive Director of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition who summarised the work that the HCC has been doing to support the introduction of FOPL regionally

If you missed this very informative and insightful webinar, you can watch the recording below and for more information, please visit the HCC’s website.

Thank You For Supporting Our Fibroids Campaign

Thank You For Supporting Our Fibroids Campaign

We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported our recent campaign where organisations from the Caribbean, UK, US and France joined forces to put the spotlight on fibroids.

We really appreciate all your emails, comments, retweets and shares which all helped us reach more and more women.

Our campaign highlighted the need for a global change where all stakeholders are better informed about fibroids so they are empowered to take action to improve the health and wellbeing of the many women affected by this condition.

Specifically, we were calling for a greater level of awareness of:

  • The symptoms of fibroids to facilitate an early and accurate diagnosis;
  • All the treatment options available so that women can make an informed decision about the treatment that best suits their situation; and
  • What actions women with fibroids can take to improve their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing

If you missed our campaign, you can read about this joint effort here.

We’ll continue to work with our global partners to raise awareness and provide support to women who have been affected by fibroids. In the meantime, you can find out more about our fibroids information and support programme here.

Check out some tweets from some of our global partners and you can visit social media to read through all our posts during the campaign. And, if you have any questions or comments you can leave them in the comments box below or email us.

Organisations From Across the World Call For A Greater Focus on Fibroids
BlogFibroidsPress Releases

Organisations From Across the World Call For A Greater Focus on Fibroids

For Immediate Release

24th June 2019

Organisations from the Caribbean, US, UK and France have joined forces to launch a global campaign calling for a greater focus on fibroids.

The campaign highlights the need for a global change where all stakeholders (healthcare professionals, women and their families) are better informed about fibroids so they are empowered to take action to improve the health and wellbeing of the many women affected by this condition.

Specifically, organisers are calling for a greater awareness of:

  • The symptoms of fibroids to facilitate an early and accurate diagnosis;
  • All the treatment options available so that women can make an informed decision about the treatment that best suits their situation; and
  • What actions women with fibroids can take to improve both their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing

Fibroids are non-cancerous growths that develop in or on the outer surface of the womb affecting an estimated 171 million women worldwide in 2013 and, in 2010, fibroids were estimated to cost the health sector in Europe €163 Million.1,2

Despite being very common it has been shown that there is a low level of awareness of fibroids and women don’t feel equipped to make an informed decision about their treatment3,6.

Studies have also shown that fibroids are more common in black women with an estimated 80% of black women being affected4. In addition, black women are known to develop fibroids at a younger age, are more likely to develop larger, multiple fibroids, and tend to develop more severe symptoms5.  The reason for this is unknown, but it is thought to be a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. Compounded experiences of racism and internalised racism are also seen to be contributory factors.

Fibroids tend to be overlooked because they are not life-threatening, but fibroids can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life leading to both physical and psychosocial effects.  It’s important that a greater focus is placed on fibroids to ensure that more research is conducted to fully understand this important women’s health issue, and to ensure that more support and information is available that empowers all women with fibroids.

Julia Mandeville, Public Health and Advocacy Manager, Barbados Association of Endometriosis and P.C.O.S explained that:

“Women’s health has not received the level of attention warranted. We stand now, as a collective, understanding that the gaps in women’s health care can lead to significant public health problems if left unaddressed. One such problem is the lack of awareness and education surrounding menstruation and menstrual health disorders which research has shown, negatively impacts the psychological, physical, social and financial wellbeing of those diagnosed with these conditions. Thus, it is critical that women and girls are equipped with relevant, evidence-based information to become more competent and confident advocates of their health, and obtain the resources and treatments needed to improve their health-related quality of life.”

Abi Begho, Founder of Lake Health and Wellbeing, based in St Kitts and Nevis said:

 “For too long women with fibroids have been neglected and it’s time for society to step up and address this. We need to ensure that women with fibroids have easy access to accurate information, appropriate support and a high standard of care to improve their wellbeing.”

Whilst Dr Sydney Dillard, Associate Professor at Du Paul University stated:

“Throughout the world fibroids tend to be trivialised without a real appreciation for the way fibroids can impact a women’s quality of life. The impact is wide-reaching affecting women’s physical health, mental wellbeing, relationships and creating challenges in the work environment. By everyone being better informed we can ensure early diagnosis; prompt, appropriate treatment and the chance to adequately address the psychosocial impact of fibroids.”

The organisers behind this campaign are encouraging women to access more information by visiting the campaign page and to contact the organisations in their region if they would like further support.


Notes to Editors

This is a joint campaign of the following organisations who raise awareness, provide information and support to those who have been affected by fibroids and advocate on behalf of women to improve the quality of care.

Barbados Association of Endometriosis and PCOS – The Barbados Association of Endometriosis and PCOS is a registered non-profit organization in Barbados which seeks to educate citizens and advocate for those who have Endometriosis, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and other pelvic conditions (including Uterine Fibroids).

Website: http://endoandpcosbb.com/

Email: julia.mandeville@endoandpcosbb.com

CARE About Fibroids – CARE About Fibroids is a Washington, DC-based non-profit whose mission is to elevate uterine fibroids as a women’s health issue and drive change. Bringing together many of the nation’s most respected women’s health advocacy and policy-focused organizations to advance solutions, CARE About Fibroids is a catalyst for increased awareness, research and education about uterine fibroids, leading to earlier diagnosis and improved treatment.

Website: http://www.careaboutfibroids.org

Contact: http://www.careaboutfibroids.org/contact.html

Fibroid Awareness Trinidad and Tobago – is a registered NGO based in Trinidad and Tobago that focuses on educating and empowering girls and women through advocacy and driving awareness on fibroids and other issues of the uterus.

Website: https://www.ttconfidenceproject.org/

Email address: factt2014@gmail.com

Fibrome Info FranceFibrome Info France is the first patient association in France that informs, educates and supports women with uterine fibroids. The association was born out of the lack of information and awareness on this disease which affects 30 to 60% of women of childbearing age and is the main cause of removal of the uterus in France. Fibrome Info France has a triple mission:

  • Information and awareness on uterine fibroids
  • The support of women with fibroids in the care process
  • The implementation of actions to improve the management of fibroids

Website http://fibrome-info-france.org/

Email address: contact@fibrome-info-france.org

KMT Rising – KMT Rising is a UK-based organisation that is dedicated to the optimum health and wellness of all women around the globe; ensuring that their personal, emotional and health-related needs are catered for through a range of bespoke holistic packages. They also provide very unique Fibroid products on sale internationally:

  • Fibroid Assessment Check List
  • So you have Fibroids – Next steps guide
  • Get yourself checked for Fibroids guide

Website: https://www.kmtrising.com/

Email address: kmtrisingltd@gmail.com

Lake Health and Wellbeing – Lake Health and Wellbeing is based in St Kitts and Nevis and aims to improve the health and wellbeing of their local, regional and online community through health promotion, public health interventions, conducting research and offering information and support to those with concerns about their health. They have a fibroids information and support program which consists of events, publications, campaigns and more.

Website: www.lakehealthandwellbeing.com

Email address:  info@lakehealthandwellbeing.com

Noire WellnessNoire Wellness is a UK-based organisation that takes a public health and wellbeing approach to reducing health inequalities through culturally sensitive interventions

Website: www.noirewellness.com

Email address: info@noirewellness.com

OH Counselling Services – OH Counselling Services is a UK-based organisation that provides one-to-one Counselling, EMDR Therapy, Group Therapies, Workshops and Seminars.   Their services are offered to adults, young people and all groups from different backgrounds and walks of life.

Website https://www.ohcounsellingservices.com

Email address: ohservices@counsellor.com

The Fibroid ForumThe Fibroid Forum is UK-based and raises awareness, shares information, promotes women’s wellness and supports fibroid sufferers

Email address: thefibroidforum@gmail.com


  1. Theo, V., et al. (2015). Global, regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 301 acute and chronic diseases and injuries in 188 countries, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet 386 (9995), pp. 743-800
  2. Hunt, P., Sathyanarayana, S., Fowler, P. and Trasande, L. (2016). Female Reproductive Disorders, Diseases, and Costs of Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in the European Union. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 101(4), pp.1562-1570.
  3. Lake Health and Wellbeing (formerly known as The Lake Foundation), (2014). Understanding the Needs of Women With Fibroids.
  4. Wise, L. and Laughlin-Tommaso, S. (2016). Epidemiology of Uterine Fibroids. Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, 59(1), pp.2-24.
  5. Radmila S., et al.  (2016).  Epidemiology of Uterine Myomas: A Review. Int J Fertil Steril, Volume 9 (4), pp. 424.
  6. All-Party Parliamentary Group of Women’s Health, (2017). Informed Choice? Giving Women Control of Their Healthcare.
Our Next Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshops Will Start in July
CDSM CourseNews

Our Next Chronic Disease Self-Management Workshops Will Start in July

We’re delighted to announce that our next set of chronic disease self-management courses will start in July 2019.

Following the success of our first chronic disease self-management course which ran from 2nd April to 7th May 2019, we will be hosting two more sets of workshops. The first will start on Tuesday 2nd July and the second on Wednesday 3rd July. Both workshops will be held at the conference room at the Ministry of Health in St Kitts from 5pm to 7pm.

The course is aimed at anyone living in St Kitts who is either living with a chronic health condition (like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, fibroids, heart disease, arthritis, chronic back pain etc.), is caring for someone with a chronic illness, is at risk of developing a chronic health condition or who is interested in the topic and would like to learn more.

Participants will attend one session a week for 6 weeks and during this period they will be provided with the information, skills and knowledge to live well with their health condition. This will enable those affected by a chronic disease to take control of their health and wellbeing and not be hindered in any way by their condition.

Over the six weeks, attendees will be taken through key self-management techniques such as action planning, problem-solving, symptoms management, medication management, communication skills, pain management and more.  Additionally, attendees will have access to free health checks and relevant services to enable them to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

If you or anyone you know is living with a chronic disease or caring for someone with a chronic disease, then this workshop is just what you need.

You can register your interest by completing the registration form below and for more information or if you have a question about this course, please email us or call 765 8702.

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Please note: The information you provide in the form above will only be used to contact you about our chronic disease self-management course. It will not be passed on to any third party and you won’t be added to our newsletter’s mailing list. To be added to our mailing list, please click here.

Our Upcoming Emotional Impact of Fibroids Webinar

Our Upcoming Emotional Impact of Fibroids Webinar

On 1st June 2019, we’ll be hosting a webinar on the emotional impact of fibroids, an issue that is often neglected, but we believe this is a very important area to focus on.

When many of us think about fibroids and its effects, we tend to think about the physical and medical symptoms, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, abdominal pain, anaemia and back pain.  The emotional and psychological impact of fibroids is not at the forefront of women’s minds or even their doctor’s, but it is very important that this is addressed to ensure a complete recovery.

We first identified the importance of exploring the emotional impact of fibroids in 2014, when we conducted a survey to understand the needs of women with fibroids. As we were analysing the results of the survey, we noticed that a significant number of women were describing how living with fibroids was affecting their mental wellbeing. For example, women said the following:

 “I have hated life at times because of fibroids. I feel like I am being punished for something.”

“Depression from feeling that my only options were drugs or surgery”

“Fear of not being able to have children”

“Just a constant fear of what they could become”

As a result of this, we started to explore this issue further by speaking to women who attended our events and soon realised that this was a much wider problem. To compound this issue there was little information available, at the time, about the emotional impact of fibroids and no services to support women in addressing these issues.

We decided that going forward, the emotional and psychological impact of fibroids would be embedded in all our work. This would ensure that women are able to identify, understand and address the emotional impact of fibroids. We hope this will allow women to get help promptly and develop the resilience and skills required to improve their mental health, should it be affected by their experience with fibroids.

So far, we have organised two conferences aimed at women with fibroids, one in London and one in St Kitts, and both covered the emotional impact of fibroids. We worked with accredited counsellor Olivia Haltman to develop a fact sheet on this topic and we’ll soon be updating our fibroids booklet to include information on fibroids and women’s wellbeing. We were also delighted to see that Olivia Haltman has developed the first online course on the emotional impact of fibroids after our work together revealed this was much needed.

Our latest initiative is our webinar on 1st June which will feature Olivia Haltman, founder of OH Services and Jo-Ann Hamilton, founder of Rare Birds.

In this webinar, Olivia will take attendees through how living with fibroids can affect a woman’s mental health and how women with fibroids can improve their emotional wellbeing.

We’re also honoured to have Jo-Ann Hamilton, the Founder of Rare Birds, sharing her 10-year experience with fibroids, how this experience affected her mental wellbeing and how she overcame this challenging journey.

If you’ve been affected by fibroids, you are very welcome to attend this webinar. register for this webinar here or if you have any questions, please email us at events@lakehealthandwellbeing.com

We Facilitate Our First Six-Week Chronic Disease Self-Management Course
BlogCDSM CourseNon-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

We Facilitate Our First Six-Week Chronic Disease Self-Management Course

From 2nd April to 7th May 2019, we facilitated our first chronic disease self-management course in St Kitts giving us the opportunity to support members in our community who have been affected by non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Data has demonstrated that NCDs are becoming an epidemic in St Kitts and Nevis with 83% of deaths in the Federation being due to these conditions. To prevent these premature deaths and ensure that those living with an NCD can live well and have a good quality of life, support, information and guidance are required.

Providing patients with self-management skills is an effective and empowering way to ensure that those affected by a chronic disease can take control and improve their health and wellbeing. The Chronic Disease Self-Management Course helps us achieve this outcome.

The course that we facilitated is part of the Stanford University Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP). This is an evidence-based prevention and health promotion program that addresses common issues faced by people with chronic conditions. The program has been implemented in 19 countries showing several benefits including:

  • Improved wellbeing
  • Improved health of participants
  • Fewer hospitalisations
  • Fewer days spent in hospital

Last year, we took part in the CDSMP training program which was delivered by the Ministry of Health in St Kitts. We were honoured to have come through the process and are now certified CDSMP facilitators allowing us to implement a free program of support for members in our community with an NCD.

Over the six-week period from the 2nd April to 7th May, we were delighted to guide our 18 participants through key self-management techniques. These techniques included action planning, problem-solving, decision making, medication management, communication skills, pain management, healthy eating, physical activity and more.

What we like about the course is that it is very interactive. Participants had the opportunity to take part in various activities, share their experiences, learn from one another and support each other. There was also homework every week to ensure that participants could start practising their self-management techniques immediately in their day-to-day life. It was wonderful to see and celebrate their successes every week.

We had a very engaged group who were a pleasure to work with. They got involved, asked questions and were keen to make the necessary changes in their lives to improve their health.

Facilitating this course has been one of the most rewarding experiences we have had in a long time. It was so touching to hear participants share how their lives have been impacted by the course. We look forward to seeing them continue to make great progress in taking control and more effectively managing their health.

A big thank you to everyone who attended and if you live in St Kitts and have been affected by a chronic illness like diabetes or high blood pressure and would like to attend a chronic disease self-management course, please do get in touch with us by email or call 765 8702

Our next 6-week course is due to start in July, all are welcome to attend.

“Thank you for the life lessons you have shared. Anyone who attends this course will never be the same again. The teachings will always be on one’s mind and heart. We must make a change! Eating, exercising and managing our lives better and being in control, this is an awesome feeling” – CDSMP Course Attendee

A Touch of Sugar – A New Film About Type 2 Diabetes

A Touch of Sugar – A New Film About Type 2 Diabetes

On 25th April,  the pharmaceutical company Merck launched their new documentary, A Touch of Sugar, at the Tribeca Film Festival.

The documentary is narrated by the award-winning actress Viola Davis who has a strong family history of type 2 diabetes and who herself is pre-diabetic.

The World Health Organisation has reported that in 2014, 422 million people worldwide were living with diabetes. The majority of these patients, about 90%,  are living with type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is now considered by many to be an epidemic and the film, A Touch of Sugar, delves into this chronic condition by telling the story of the many people who have been affected. The film features interviews with patients, family members, doctors, advocates and thought leaders to raise awareness of diabetes, its impact on society and the importance of focusing on underserved communities.

You can watch the trailer for the documentary below:

A Touch of Sugar Trailer from A Touch of Sugar on Vimeo.

A Touch of Sugar is part of Merck’s program,  ‘America’s Diabetes Challenge: Get to Your Goals’ which encourages type 2 diabetics to work with their doctors to reach a number of health goals.

You can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet and taking part in at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week. If you have diabetes, speak to your doctor about the lifestyle changes that you can make to ensure that you’re managing your condition effectively.

In St Kitts and Nevis, diabetes is also a major health challenge, you can read about this here

We have started facilitating regular chronic disease self-management courses. These courses have been developed by Stanford University and have been proven to help those living with chronic conditions such as diabetes live well despite their condition.

If you live in St Kitts and Nevis and would like to learn more about managing chronic diseases, you can register to attend our next chronic disease self-management course, by sending us an email.

The Unity of African Peoples – Myth or Misconception: Continental Drift to Continental Rift
BlogVolunteer Bloggers

The Unity of African Peoples – Myth or Misconception: Continental Drift to Continental Rift

When it comes to the health and wellbeing of African people both on the continent and in the Diaspora at large,  there are a number of challenges and health inequalities that exist. These inequalities include the black community having poorer health outcomes, being at an increased risk of developing a number of diseases and not always having access to adequate support to cope during periods of ill-health. In order to address these issues, many have suggested that the black community come together to develop solutions for us, by us. Before exploring unity as an approach to tackling some of these challenges,  it’s useful to look back through history to understand the concept of unity so that if we are to come together, we develop partnership models that are most effective. 

In today’s blog, we hear from guest blogger IC Blackman who takes us through the history of African unity and encourages us to think deeply about this concept.

One cannot deny the importance of an accurate grasp of history, particularly ancient history, for possessing a deeper understanding of our position, or lack thereof, in the world. Much has been argued about the relevance and authenticity of the terms ‘black’ or ‘African’ to describe peoples richly melanated in skin – for the purposes of demonstrative example as to the challenges of the realization of unity, we hold no fast consensus as to what we would prefer to be called. Arguments rage – all valid, I might add – for and against nomenclature that honours our history and invaluable contributions to the development and advancement of civilization. This begs the question: did we ever have a consensus, and if so, when, and how does this impact our concepts of Pan-Africanism, or black unity, today? The term to which one leans, whether black, African or some other, may be telling about how one views oneself vis-à-vis the world: identity, links to a certain landmass, being referenced as a colour or caste, and the legal implications and historical connotations of the latter.

To examine this predicament of a consensus beyond merely what we choose to be called, but in terms of the more pressing issue of unity, we ought to start from the beginning, or as close to the beginning as we can. Because of its startling symbolism, I choose to start with one of the most recent supercontinents and also the best known, Pangaea. There were other supercontinents that preceded it, but the further back I go, the more pushback I may get from certain scientific quarters about the presence of ‘thinking’ man in those times. Personally, I believe Homo sapiens sapiens is much older than the record books will allow.

As I describe certain geological phenomena in this post, one should also in tandem remember the Law of Correspondence. Hold tight – there is method to my madness.

The earth’s outer shell is made up of plates. Most activity occurs where plates meet or divide. Plates move in three ways: convergent (moving towards each other, even colliding in some instances), divergent (moving away from each other), and transform (where plates slide past each other). Movement of plates produces volcanic eruptions, underwater volcanoes, earthquakes, and, specifically by convergent plates, mountain ranges; thus, there are several cycles of creation and destruction, periods of volatility and rest, all natural, all inevitable, all a part of existence. The most volatile processes create new forms, it would seem, adding to the topographical features of the earth – mountains and valleys, the highs and the lows. Movement can occur slowly or violently, changing the architecture of Planet Earth. Each continent as we know it today rests on these plates, that is, tectonic plates. They are in constant motion and interaction, a process called plate tectonics.

Using geological time collapse, let’s agree on a single landmass called Pangaea – a supercontinent, consisting of lakes and rivers, which existed before the latest continental drift, i.e. the divergent movement of major plates that created the large and distinct landmasses we call continents today, in their latest configurations and geographical locations. Let us also agree that easy human migration out of Africa was facilitated by the most recent supercontinent Pangaea and its many incarnations prior to the most recent and significant continental drift. We can further argue about the origins of the name Africa, but if we are to have a consensus about nothing else, it should be about coming to terms with the usage of this epithet.

Let us also observe the signature feature of African civilizations to form along rivers, the best known being the Nile Valley civilization, from its origins in the south heading down the Nile to the north, its pinnacle manifesting as Kemet or Egypt. It is important to note here that rift valleys occur where a continental landmass is ripping itself apart – this happens in geological time. Modern Africa, i.e. the continent we know today, is projected to split along the Great Rift Valley system sometime in the very distant future, forming a double continent. In other words – change is supreme, movement is inevitable.

And like nature, like tectonic plates, we as a people are in constant motion, a constant state of flux, producing what I call the Dispersion Factor. This first manifested as migration to all continents before they were so-called, and the subsequent development of distinct civilizations on these landmasses after continental drift. One mindset, but a myriad of manifestations. Physical unity, then, would seem to go against this natural tendency towards dispersion and dissemination, as opposed to the more challenging but urgently needed spiritual and mental/thought unity.

Encoded in the DNA of African peoples may be the genetic roadmap for dispersion and multicentricity. We know that Africans as a group have more variations in their DNA within their group than between Africans and other groups. This phenomenon of what I call genetic non-cohesion may well be the reason why breeding farms in chattel slavery in the New World, which used a high degree of consanguinity, could produce ‘normal’ populations for far longer than logic would dictate. It could also be the reason why as a group we will adapt, include, and assimilate with ease. The downside is that this will occur in hostile as well as conducive environments, the former producing cultural distortion and disintegration, the latter producing cultural catalysts. There is no doubt that both processes have global knock-on effects and implications. We do ourselves a disservice to underestimate the profound effect of our state of being, both positive and negative, on the planet at large.

Continental Drift

It’s very conceivable that the theory of Pangaea holds true – at the very least, it makes perfect sense. If you look at all the continents on the planet, they do appear to potentially fit together, much like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s continue to entertain the Law of Correspondence here. It is also conceivable that man existed at the time of Pangaea, or a forme fruste of Pangaea, and migrated outward from a pivotal focal point of creation. I call this point, adapting a term from embryological science, the pluripotent stem cell, from which all major cells of the human body originate – the pluripotent locus, or the progenitor cell from haematological science, the mother cell of all haematological bodies (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc.). These cells, being multi-hued and multi-functional, together form an efficient body system. That pluripotent locus, or primogenitor cell, we know today as the continent of Africa, remembering that it was once part of a contiguous landmass. For those who want to call it the Garden of Eden, I have no ready rebuttal. Whatever we choose to name this pivotal location, we must appreciate that now these disparate landmasses have been christened continents with bestowed names, some of which have changed over time, e.g. India was once Hindustan, and perhaps the continents were perceived differently prior to continental drift and after it, including in name.

Human MigrationMap courtesy National Geographic

Anthropological evidence and copious historical data would indeed confirm an ‘African’ presence on what we now know as the seven continents. Perhaps more accurate would be First Man and Woman, Ancient or Aboriginal Peoples. Genetics would suggest they were very diverse people.

Herein lies Ponder Point No. 1. This multifocal presence and the early civilizations it birthed aren’t as well-known as one would think. It certainly isn’t taught on the scale it should be, despite the evidence to support it. Africans therefore have been as a group multicentric, dispersed, and migratory from their very inception, and have had varying phenotypes, and within recent times, lighter hues in certain regions of the Earth. They set up civilizations wherever they landed – the Indus Valley civilization, the Nile Valley civilization, the Olmec civilization – and kept it moving. This has been a modus that has taken many incarnations throughout history, and up until modern times, it does not seem to have slowed, though immigration laws have had an impact on the freedom of movement enjoyed in antiquity.

The push and pull factors that sustain such movement are however very different, perhaps more unfavourable, but not at all exclusive to negative experience, than in the past – pioneering waves of voluntary, exploratory migration vs the more recent exploitative waves of forced migration. Ponder Point No. 2 eagerly cranes its neck for keen observation – the concept of unity, especially physical unity, I would therefore challenge further, is a very tenuous one. We tend to use ‘Africa’ as one would a collective noun, but there would be no harm in saying one was African and Senegalese, for example, or African and Ghanaian, or African and Guyanese, understanding that as one leaves the continent more qualification is required. You may also want to add Christian or Muslim, for example. We should be used to complexity by now. We’ve been here from the beginning. Our history is complex – multilayered, multidimensional, multifocal, and multiethnic. We’ve been here from the beginning – it is complex. And that complexity lends itself to both confusion and a timely consecration. One would be more inclined to speak of, and place greater store on, a core African mindset with its many global manifestations, i.e. cultural diversity even within the collective – on the mother continent of Africa, and in the Diaspora at large. Here, we may need to entertain further clarification and qualification of an ancient vs a modern Diaspora.

And while we’re at it, we may also need to make a distinction between ancient Africans and modern Africans (an ever-evolving entity). A distinction also needs to be made, using a chronological timeline, as to when this conversion – ancient to modern – took place. I would set that time at 1492 and the expulsion of the Moors from what we now know to be Spain – the Iberian Peninsula may be a more accurate term. For this pivotal historical event would generate a series of further historical events – the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades, chattel slavery, colonialism and neocolonialism. All these would produce the modern African, who would be designated many names and pseudonyms through space and time, all with a growing patina of mistrust, disrespect and contempt (I’ve excluded some for good reason) – Ethiops, Ethiopian, Maure, Moor, blackamoor, Negro, black.

Superimposed on this, and perhaps contributing to our wounding in 1492, subsequent conquest and present predicament, we must also appreciate ancient African civilizations in decline, their peak in Kemet (Egypt). These would include the fall of the empires of Kush, Mali, Benin, Axum and Songhai and the kingdoms of Ghana and Mossi, and the phenomenon of infighting amongst nations and their weaker neighbours, a growing insularity of thought and the emergence of maladaptive forms of self-preservation in response to repeated foreign invasion. This decline, and it would happen over millennia, would also herald a new African, or modern African, and a new Africa. Stronger nations usurped weaker ones, and their captives, the spoils of war or POWs, created fodder for the transatlantic slave trade. Empires fell due to loss of life and loss of intellectual property, the draining of resources, human and mineral, brain and brawn. We, however, seem to have moved from physical wars and battles to ideological ones with physical elements and consequences – wars of class, wars of colour, wars of identity, fueled by hubris, greed, deception, envy and a forgotten self-knowledge.

All of these could be significantly ameliorated if we saw ourselves as privileged beyond the banal or the physical. One would argue these character chinks and ideological imbroglios were with us before 1492 – that we grappled with these human failings more and more as civilizations declined over time – but were exacerbated, perhaps entrenched by the Maafa. If one studies African mythology deeply in all its facets, for example Yoruba or Akan – the roadmap that would assist us in this journey of becoming whole or indeed returning to wholeness – they all address these human foibles.

One would argue that the first real unification or semblance of physical unity occurred in the West, i.e. the Americas, and under horrific conditions – nations and empires gelling under the remit of one plantation and one master. Ponder Point No. 3: is there any doubt, therefore, as to why unity is such a challenge? In a thriving plantocracy, betrayal was rewarded – the Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 – while gathering in public was punishable by death, that is, laws prevented congregation. Non-cohesion was ratified in law.

But was ancient African success ever leveraged on physical unity, or was it a unity of mind and principles, a spiritual unity – a quantum mindset/thought, intangible yet effective? Certainly, unity, if it is to occur at all, would not be sustained if forged from the negative – anger, hate, dissatisfaction or a preoccupation with adversity, that is, under duress. (The adversity, however, should be recontextualized as a perfecting catalyst, refining thought back to the depths of the visionary, the mystic and the natural scientist. Challenging? Absolutely.) But take heart, this volatile process of unification seems to mirror the earth.

Should we be seeing unity as the Ancients would suggest, that it isn’t about the physical at all? Is the challenge mental, internal, and will it eventually manifest naturally in our external world? Is this a call to transcend the physical domain and its vicissitudes and aim even higher, to a more symbolic existence beyond the mundane, beyond the constraints of a dominating cultural lens? Perhaps we fell low to rise higher than we’ve ever been – ascension. Perhaps it’s all in the mind – we should be in one mind. The time is now. If we don’t get it, who will?

More and more it would appear that as Africa and Africans go, so goes the earth. This is our life-altering inheritance as the Mother and Father. If there is to be any pre-occupation, it should be, how do we honour the Mother and Father? What does it look like, feel like, taste like, sound like? Is it truly all in the mind? How we perceive it may be everything. And here’s the good news – despite the Great Rift Valley divergence, the earth’s tectonic plates continue to move, their motion slowly bringing the continents together again. Pangaea will be re-formed, a new supercontinent by a different name that may bear little resemblance to the Pangaea of old. Symbolic? Think about that Law of Correspondence and rest your mind there – as within, so without; as without, so within. It would seem feasible to conclude that continental drift is as inevitable as its reversal. How quickly or slowly the process unfolds may be within our grasp; certainly the process of continental rift is. This is not a hypothesis, but an inevitable process that will also reverse, and at a pace we determine. You don’t have to agree, just consider.

©2019 IC Blackman

We would like to say a big thank you to IC Blackman for this very insightful blog piece. If you have any comments or questions, please leave them in the comments section below.

You can find out more about IC Blackman and her work here or you can follow IC Blackman on Twitter.

We Talk Stress Management and Healthy Lifestyles During Verchilds High School’s Health and Wellness Week
BlogChildhood Obesity

We Talk Stress Management and Healthy Lifestyles During Verchilds High School’s Health and Wellness Week

From 29th April to 3rd May 2019, the counselling department at Verschilds High School hosted their Health and Wellness Week and we were delighted to have been invited to take part in two of their planned events.

On 29th April, we spoke, bright and early, at the school’s assembly on the topic of stress management. During our 15 minute presentation, we talked about what stress is, what types of situations cause stress, the impact of stress and how we can manage stress.

We encouraged students to think about their own personal situations, especially during this exam period, to see how they can address any stressors that may be affecting their wellbeing and provided tips on managing these, which included – identifying stressors, elimination/delay of stressors, preparation, stress relief techniques, building resilience and getting support.

We had a great session with the student body and therefore were very happy to return on the 3rd May for their health and wellness fair.

Verchilds Health and Wellness Fair

During their health and wellness fair, we set up a stall and promoted living a healthy lifestyle. We spoke to students and staff about the importance of children and teenagers getting enough exercise and physical activity (WHO recommends 60 minutes per day), drinking more water, eating 5-7 portions of fruit and vegetables per day and cutting down on sugary drinks.

We had information showing how much sugar is in many popular soft drinks and students and teachers were shocked to learn that one can of coke contains 8 teaspoons of sugar.

To encourage children to swap their unhealthy snacks for healthier snacks, we had some lovely mangoes for staff and students to sample and this included some dried mangoes. Dried mango is a great alternative to candy and chocolate and it tastes great –  the students (well…most of them) loved it.

We also held a competition where we asked students how many minutes of physical activity children and teenagers should take part in every day and three lucky students won a comic book – congratulations.

Verchilds Students Answering Health and Wellness Question

Finally, it was great to connect with the other stallholders, some of whom were familiar faces, such as the team behind Mother Becky Bush Tea and Sugar Town Organics. It was nice meeting the Gideon  Force Organic Agriculture  Cooperative, Close to Nature and the Drugs and Substance Misuse Team and learning about the great work they are all doing.

We had a great time at Verchilds High School and would like to thank the staff for their kind invitation and both staff and students for their warm welcome, visiting our stall and asking some great questions.