The theme for World Cancer Day is #IAmAndIWill. This theme will cover the three-year period from 2019 to 2021 in order to create a long-term impact. The UICC recognises that a three-year campaign gives organisations, like us, the chance to implement campaigns that will have the maximum exposure and thus gain more opportunities to build global awareness.
The #IAmAndIWill theme highlights that fact that whoever you are, you have the power to reduce the impact of cancer for yourself, the people you love and for the world.
The campaign therefore encourages everyone to make a commitment by using the hashtag and sharing who you are and what you will commit to in order to tackle cancer.
Our #IamAndIWill Commitment for 2019-2021
Our World Cancer Day commitment is to focus on children and raise awareness of the fact that overweight or obese children are more likely to become overweight or obese adults, and being overweight as an adult increases a person’s risk of developing cancer. In fact, the World Cancer Research Fund has found that being overweight or obese throughout adulthood is linked to an increased risk of developing 12 types of cancer.
We believe cancer prevention begins in childhood by developing good, healthy habits at a formative age. Our campaign therefore appeals to parents to reduce their children’s future cancer risk by ensuring they’re a healthy weight now, and this can be achieved by ensuring that children:
- Are physically active and take part in 60 minutes of physical activity every day
- Eat a healthy diet
We believe that by beating childhood obesity we can also contribute to beating cancer.
“I am Lake Health and Wellbeing and I will make an impact by spreading the word
about childhood obesity increasing a child’s future cancer risk” – #IamAndIWill
What We’re Doing Beyond World Cancer Day
Our work doesn’t stop after World Cancer Day, we’re working to beat childhood obesity all year round through our new childhood obesity prevention project.
We’re currently working on developing innovative resources to get children active so they can easily get to and maintain a healthy weight.
How You Can Get Involved
You can get involved by raising awareness on social media and sharing your thoughts on this issue. You can use any of the images below (more coming soon!) or the short video clips below.
Also, we’d love it if you could support us by making a donation, which will go towards our childhood obesity prevention project.
You can make a donation below:
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Thank you for any support you’re able to provide and we hope you’ll join us for World Cancer Day to #BeatChildhoodObesity and #BeatCancer