The reason for trying to understand these experiences is because it has become clear that fibroids are a common health issue affecting women in St Kitts and Nevis. It is therefore important to explore if fibroids are affecting the quality of life of women in the Federation and understand what challenges women may be facing so we can provide effective and appropriate support, advocate on behalf of women, and ensure that women receive the best medical care possible.
We’re Looking For Volunteers
If you live in St Kitts and Nevis, are between the ages of 18 and 55 and have been diagnosed with fibroids within the last 5 years (any time between January 2015 and January 2020), you can take part in this research.
As a participant, you will be asked to take part in a 90-minute interview and in exchange for your time, you will receive $50EC.
More Information
If you’re interested in taking part in this study or have any questions, please contact Abi Begho by emailing or calling 1 869 765 8702.
Ethics Approval Details
This research study was granted ethics approval by St Kitts Ministry of Health’s Interim Ethics Review Committee on 12th December 2019 (our ethics approval number is IERC-2019-12-035)
Research Partners
This project is a partnership between Lake Health and Wellbeing, Serrette Brown Research and Consulting and Soca Girls Rock!
This is a very good project for all of us I wish for the best now and for the future, hope this programme will be a success.
Thank you so much Deniese for your feedback, we really appreciate it. So far the project has been going well and we are very grateful to the women who have come forward to share their experiences. We hope that we can bring some attention to this important women’s health issue and work with all stakeholders to identify solutions to the issues that are raised.