This week the UK’s Independent Cancer Task Force published its report ‘Achieving world-class cancer outcomes: a strategy for England 2015-2020’. In their report the task force sets out a number of recommendations but propose six strategic priorities for the next 5 years:
- Spearhead a radical upgrade in prevention and public health
- Drive a national ambition to achieve earlier diagnosis
- Establish patient experience as being on a par with clinical effectiveness and safety
- Transform our approach to support people living with and beyond cancer
- Make the necessary investments required to deliver a modern high quality service
- Overhaul processes for commissioning, accountability and provision
We welcome these recommendations as if implemented properly and with specific approaches for the BME community this will greatly benefit the black community who have been shown to have particular challenges when it comes to cancer. These include increased risk of prostate cancer, myeloma and cervical cancer in the over 64s; lower levels of awareness of symptoms; being more likely to be diagnosed at a late stage; and being less likely to access cancer screening services.
We were also happy to see in the full report that one of the recommendations focused on increasing BME representation in NHS England’s regular Cancer Patient Experience Survey. This will help create an understanding of why the BME community consistently report having a worse experience of care than their white counterparts.
We will monitor NHS England’s progress in implementing these recommendations and will play our part to ensure the black community benefits from this new strategy.
You can read the full report and executive summary below.
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Cancer Task Force Full Report
File size: 5 MB Downloads: 108 -
Cancer Task Force Executive Summary
File size: 2 MB Downloads: 145