World AIDS Day


The 1st December is World AIDS Day and this year's theme is: 'My health, my right' This theme recognises the fact that many people living with HIV are denied their right to health. Their right to health includes access to good quality health services and medications and being treated with dignity and respect. You can […]

Fibroids Twitter Chat


Our next fibroids Twitter chat will be with Candice Bryan on 13th December from 9pm to 10pm (UK time) Candice Bryan is the founder of Noire Wellness which seeks to improve the health and wellness of African and African Caribbean communities living in the UK.  In 2017, she launched the #FibroidSeries wellness hub providing women […]

World Cancer Day


World Cancer Day is on 4th Feb and the theme is We can. I can. This theme is part of a three year campaign exploring how everyone  can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer. To find out more about the  global campaign and how you can get involved visit the campaign website here […]

Cancer Awareness Luncheon

Marshalls Fort Tyson, Frigate Bay, St Kitts, Saint Kitts and Nevis

The St Kitts Health Promotion Unit in collaboration with Lake Health and Wellbeing and the Department of Youth are inviting everyone to their cancer awareness luncheon as part of their observance of  World Cancer Day. This event aims to celebrate those in St Kitts and Nevis who are living with cancer or are cancer survivors. […]

February’s Fibroids Twitter Chat


We’re so delighted to announce that our first Fibroids Twitter Chat of the year is with Laterria Patton on 21st February  at 5pm, AST (that’s 1pm PST, 4pm EST and 9pm GMT) Laterria Patton is a Self Care Activist who writes a food blog that promotes reproductive health to black women. The blog content utilizes […]

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