Launch of Lake Health and Wellbeing and Noire Wellness Fibroids Campaign

The theme for International Women’s Day this year is #PressForProgress and Noire Wellness and Lake Health and Wellbeing are calling for everyone to #PressForProgress to improve the experience of women with fibroids. The theme for International Women's Day this year is #PressForProgress and Noire Wellness and Lake Health and Wellbeing are calling for everyone to #PressForProgress to […]

World Salt Awareness Week

This World Salt Awareness Week, organisers will be reminding the world of the harmful effects of eating too much salt and highlighting how the salt present in everyday foods can really add up. They will also encourage the public to play their part and make simple changes to their eating and purchasing habits, and will […]

March #FibroidsChat

We’re so delighted to announce that our March Fibroids Twitter Chat will be with the Fibroid Forum UK on 14th March  at 3pm, AST (that’s 3pm EST and 7pm GMT). We’ll be discussing all the great work that the Fibroid Forum UK have been doing to raise awareness and provide support to women who have […]

World Health Day


World Health Day is on 7th April 2018 and the theme this year is 'Universal Health Coverage: Everyone, Everywhere.' The day stresses the point that Universal Health Coverage means without discrimination, leaving no one behind and that everyone everywhere has a right to benefit from health services they need without falling into poverty when using […]

Fibroids Chat with Le’Nise Brothers


We’re so happy to announce that our April Fibroids Twitter Chat will be with  Le'Nise Brothers on Wednesday 18th April at 7pm,  GMT (that’s 11am PST, 2pm EST and 2pm AST). Le’Nise Brothers,  is a nutrition and wellbeing coach for women who struggle with low energy, sugar cravings and hormonal issues such as PMS, PCOS, […]

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