Healthy Eating Short Stories by Fourth Graders in St Kitts
As part of this project, we sought to use creative ways to consolidate what students learnt in our sessions. Therefore, one of the tasks we gave students was to write either a short story, rap or poem featuring one of our My Healthy Heroes characters.
Today, we’re delighted to share a few of the short stories with you. We hope you enjoy them.
A Mangolicious Dream
By: Rainier Martin
In the night, Amelia ate her dinner. Afterwards, she went to sleep, to wake up the next morning.
When Amelia was finally asleep, she had a great dream. There were characters, Miss Mangolicious and her healthy fruit and vegetable friends.
Miss Mangolicious and her friends, Tommy Tomato and Potato Head Jed were on a great mission.
“We have to save Amelia!” exclaimed Miss Mangolicious.
“Amelia is suffering from a severe case of Lack-of-Healthy-Eating-itis” said Tommy Tomato.
“We need to meet Ameilia at her usual eating spot right now. Quick, to my Mangolicious Carriage!” exclaimed Miss Mangolicious.
“There she is, sitting under the shady trees,” said Potato Head Jed.
“Amelia!” shouted Miss Mangolicious.
“You need to eat healthy foods,” said Tommy Tomato.
“Let us teach you the importance of healthy eating,” they all said.
“It is good to eat fruits and vegetables because you get a lot of vitamins and your bones become stronger,” said Potato Head Jed.
After all that Amelia learned in her dream, she started eating healthy from then on. Every day, Amelia eats fruits, vegetables and of course, mangoes!
The Adventures of Professor Cornilious Cob
By: Kailynn Browne
One day, the Sugary Drink Assassins and the Junk Food Villains were trying to take over Healthy Land.
Professor Cornilius Cob said, “Stop right there!”
The Sugary Drink Assassins and Junk Food Villains exclaimed, “We’re not going to listen to you!”
Professor Cornilius Cob needed some help from his friends. He called Miss Mangolicious, Captain Splash, Potato Head Jed and Mama Elegant.
Professor Cornilius Cob said, “We are going to fight them with facts.”
They all thought this was a great idea.
Professor Cornilious Cob said, “I am rich in vitamin B12, folic acid and iron.”
With that said, Frenchy the Frier disappeared into thin air.
“I have vitamins A, C, B6 and potassium,” said Miss Mangolicious. Donutter Dennis turned into dust.
Captain Splash exclaimed, “I am very important.” Juicer Jones turned into a puddle.
Mama Elegant exclaimed, “I have a beautiful colour which makes people want to eat me,” Greasy Greg Chicken Led turned raw.
After that day, the Junk Food Villains and Sugary Drinks Assassins went back to Unhealthy Land and never came back.
We hope you enjoyed these two stories. Please do give our young writers a bit of encouragement by leaving a comment below and we’ll share more in our next blog post.