My Haircare Nightmare Crowdfunding Campaign – Thank you!
Not only did we get some lovely emails and messages on social media, the media also picked up on our campaign and really got behind it. You can view some of the media coverage below:
- African Voice: Documentary to reveal effects of hair products in black women
- Black Hair Magazine: Author Tola Okogwu launches campaign to kickstart black haircare documentary
- Natural Hair Weekly: My Haircare Nightmare
- Ariatu Public Relations: Are Hair Products for Black Women Safe
- FabAfriq: Are Hair Products for Black Women Safe?
- The Voice Newspaper: Support This Documentary
- Afrocks: Interview Of Blogger, Writer And Hair Coach Tola Okogwu Who Is Crowdfunding To create Documentary About Hair Products For Black Women
In case you missed our crowd funding campaign, we’ve teamed up with Tola Okogwu of My Long Hair Journey and filmmaker Sheila Marshall to answer the question: Are Black Hair Care Products Safe? Through a documentary we aim to highlight the recent research which showed that 80% of black hair products tested contain endocrine disrupting chemicals and ingredients linked to asthma. Although we haven’t raised all the funds we need just yet, we’re still fired up and ready to turn our dream into reality and are exploring other funding opportunities.
We’ll keep you informed of our next steps and for those of you who donated, your perks will be with you in due course.
Have a great week!